Author Archives: thrivewpengine

Data Backup: A Life Saver

Lightning can strike any time, and in any form. It can be a power surge leaving your hard disk useless or an over flooded bathroom sink leaving your equipment blown out. It can also be as simple as lack of attention. Whatever the deal is, it will certainly bring one question to your mind – do you have a backup of your data? Sadly the answer usually is no. Many people lose several months and sometimes years of work in such situations.

Why you need a Backup

A backup is your safety net in case of a disaster. Data can be lost due to corruption such as unauthorized access, viral spyware, accidents and mistakes. Any of these can happen any time and cause you problems and not to mention – mental stress. To avoid such difficult situations it is best to get a (more…)

How to Fix ActiveX Errors on Facebook

ActiveX is a Microsoft technology that allows users to interact with website content through the use of multiple ActiveX technologies.  Developers with expertise in ActiveX create the technology in different types of languages and a variety of tools to boost the Web browsing experience with enhanced interactivity.  ActiveX is exclusive to Microsoft and is used with the Internet Explorer browser.

Although ActiveX helps to improve interactivity on website it can also be the culprit (more…)

Small Business Security – Protecting Information

As many of you have probably noticed, the number of network security breaches in the news has been on the rise.  Some of you are probably thinking “thank goodness I am at a small company”.   The unfortunate truth though is you are just as likely, if not more likely to be a target of online hackers.

As the Wall Street Journal recently pointed out in their July 21st article “Hackers Shift Attacks to Small Firms”, small businesses end up being very lucrative for (more…)

Key Metrics You Should Use when Measuring IT Service Delivery

There is an old adage in business success that says, “You cannot manage what you fail to measure.”  This is a valid point when it comes to focusing on a set of metrics that provide the best solutions in IT service delivery.  The type of metrics which are used will depend upon the needs of the enterprise.  However there are key metrics which should be used across the board regardless of business objectives.


Tips on Small Business Data Backup

Studies have shown that one of the primary reasons small businesses fail is data loss.  Depending upon the amount of data you have, data loss can be catastrophic making data recovery impossible if you do not have a backup strategy in place.

If you have yet to implement a small business data backup strategy it is time to get started.  Here are a few essential tips to help you get the ball rolling:


The Impact of Mobile Commerce on CRM

According to Forrester Research more than 50 percent of consumers plan to increase mobile spending during this year.  Instead of window shopping and using sales assistants, the mobile consumer will be using their smartphone as their daily retail therapy. So what does this mean for businesses that are faced with a consumer environment that is “always-on?”

With such a significant increase in the use of (more…)

Business Continuity With Disaster Recovery Planning

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery PlanningWhen planning business continuity it is necessary that every step should be taken with utmost caution. Business continuity is the complete process for restoration of a business. It includes scope, insurance policies, how to keep hold of your employees, vendors and customer, and most important of them all the Disaster Recovery plan. It is surprising how a fifty person organization that manages over a billion dollars in client assets would act miserly when spending $25,000 on disaster planning. Such a petty sum to guarantee them business safety in a disastrous situation and yet they think it is not worth the money.

Business continuity is vital element in (more…)

The Pros and Cons of Using a Virtual Private Network

Many companies that have a series of branch offices or a staff that works remotely deploy what is known as a virtual private network or VPN.  The primary purpose of a VPN is to allow business partners to communicate over a secure network from a remote location via IPsec or Internet Protocol Security.  By using a VPN companies view this as one of the safest ways to link users together that are distributed across multiple locations.

Not only are VPNs used to communicate securely over a public network such as the Internet VPNs are also (more…)

Tips on Choosing a Strong Password

Passwords are a method of security. Whether you want to protect your computer, network or your social account, password protection is necessary. Installing a password is not as simple as people think. There are millions of hackers having password cracking tools which can crack thousands of passwords within seconds. There are several tips on how to choose a strong password.

First of all, it is advised that you do not use passwords like (more…)

Benefits of Switching to Virtualization

In a business world where it is necessary to implement multiple servers for a variety of different functions, it is very easy for a data center to become overwhelmed with server technology.  When you deploy a server for each business function such as email, customer relationship management, asset management, ERP and more, it increases costs in terms of management and maintenance. It also leaves processing capabilities under-utilized with the server space that is leftover.

So, what are some of the benefits of switching to virtualization
