Author Archives: Megan Carnes

Alexa Capital, a global corporate finance and M&A advisory firm selected Thrive to optimise it’s IT infrastructure with regulatory compliance Download Now

Alexa Capital, a global corporate finance and M&A advisory firm specialising in energy technology, energy infrastructure, and e-mobility, grappled with challenges regarding its IT partner. The 22-person FCA-regulated team, based in Mayfair, faced issues of insufficient service levels, particularly with the office based in NY, and a lack of strategic guidance. The firm felt a misalignment with regulatory standards and business expectations, prompting it to seek a more fitting and effective IT partnership with experts who specialise in the corporate finance industry.


Alexa Capital chose Thrive because of our record of success, depth of capabilities and pedigree within the investment community. In addition, Thrive’s structure, service delivery model, and ability to immediately address challenges stood out amongst the other vendors. Thrive implemented Managed IT Services (Helpdesk, M365, Telephony, Cloud), Managed EBMS Networking (Fortinet & Meraki) and Managed Security: SOC & SIEM, EDR and Cloud Security. Thrive have additionally agreed a plan forecasted in the short-term to address alternative cloud-based data storage solutions to further optimise the firm’s internal filing system for improved efficiency and better utilisation of the M365 environment. Thrive will continue to proactively support and guide Alexa Capital on further recommendations to enhance the firm’s IT infrastructure and cyber security.


In addition to ensuring strict regulatory compliance, this project significantly improved operational efficiency. Real improvements resulted after forming a strategic relationship with Thrive, including better strategic guidance, higher service levels and overall better IT performance for Alexa Capital.

Alexa Capital AIYXMV

“Thrive’s expertise enhanced our IT operations, aligning technology with our business objectives. By choosing a specialized partner in financial services, we’ve noticed an improvement in our client experience. Thrive enhanced our cybersecurity posture by adding 24×7 monitoring & response from Thrive’s own Security Operations Centre. We have peace of mind knowing that we are following industry best practices. ~ Alexa Capital


How can Thrive help your business?

Thrive is a leading provider of outsourced IT Infrastructure designed to drive business outcomes by helping you get the most out of your IT.

To learn more about our services, CONTACT US

Guarding UK Enterprises: Defending Against Escalating Cyber Threats in 2024

As cyber attacks continue to surge across the UK for the third consecutive year, businesses face the daunting task of safeguarding their digital assets amidst a complex landscape. A recent study conducted by Tenable and Forrester Consulting sheds light on the severity of the situation, revealing that a staggering 48% of cyber attacks target UK organisations.

This alarming trend, coupled with recent reports from the BBC detailing cyber attacks on police forces, councils, and businesses, underscores the urgent need for a robust cyber security strategy. In this blog, we delve into the escalating cyber threats facing UK businesses and offer practical solutions tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Escalating Cyber Threats

This revelation from Tenable paints a grim enough picture. Still, when coupled with further statistics from the State of Trust 2023 Report (surveying the behaviours and attitudes of 2,500 business leaders, including 500 in the UK), we see that the average approach from UK businesses does not nearly correspond to the level of risk presented.

The report found that, on average, only nine per cent of UK companies’ IT budget is allocated to security. This reveals a stark misalignment between escalating cyber threats and the security of UK businesses and leaves them exposed to risk.

Furthermore, the State of Trust 2023 Report published by Vanta indicates that less than half (42%) of UK organisations rate their risk visibility as vital. This prevents businesses from effectively gauging and comprehending the extent of the risks faced. As threats rapidly evolve in prevalence and sophistication, a lack of comprehensive risk visibility can leave you and your employees wide open to data breaches.

Widespread Targets

Recent cyber attacks targeting large corporations and smaller businesses underscore the indiscriminate nature of these threats. For instance, in early January 2023, the Royal Mail fell victim to a ransomware attack, causing significant disruption to its operations at a distribution centre near Belfast, Northern Ireland, where the printers began frantically spitting out the ransomware gang’s demands. Much like the December 2022 attack on The Guardian, this caused widespread disruption to the sizable company.

Similarly, smaller local councils like the Western Isles local authority Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council have also been targeted, compromising sensitive data and disrupting essential services.

Notably, proactive measures were undertaken by organisations like Oldham Council, investing £682,000 in computer upgrades after it revealed the company was actively warding off 10,000 cyber attacks per day. Such investments enhance disaster recovery capabilities and provide comprehensive protection against ransomware attacks, safeguarding critical data and mitigating potential financial losses.

IT Security Budgets Too Low?

Today, many British businesses openly share that they believe their systems are subpar. With only nine per cent of the average UK company’s IT budget dedicated to security, most are aware of the risk they take on. However, in attacks like these, financial loss is not only incurred through client trust erosion and business disruptions. The fines from regulators for not keeping businesses resistant to customer data breaches can be staggering.

The need for more allocation of IT security budgets presents a formidable challenge for UK businesses. With a mere nine per cent of the average company’s IT budget dedicated to security measures, numerous organisations acknowledge the inherent risks they face. However, the consequences of a cyber attack extend far beyond mere financial losses, as exemplified by the Equifax case. The Financial Conduct Authority fined this large credit reporting agency over £11 million for failing to protect the personal data of nearly 14 million British clients in one of the most significant cyber security breaches ever recorded. Among the data leaked in the 2017 breach were names, dates of birth, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card details of unsuspecting British consumers.

Equifax’s troubles did not end there. Following the leaking of personal data of almost 150 million US customers, the company faced a record settlement of $800 million with American authorities. Patricio Remon, Equifax’s European head, highlighted the immense investment made in security and technology transformation since the cyber attack against the company six years ago, amounting to over $1.5 billion.

Despite these efforts, the company received a £500,000 fine from the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office in 2018 for the same attack, the maximum fine allowed at the time. While these actions illustrate efforts in Britain to mitigate the impact of ransomware attacks, challenges persist beyond its borders.

Prosecutors in Belarus, Russia, and several other former Soviet Union states show little inclination to pursue such lucrative cyber crimes, according to assessments from the National Cyber Security Centre and the National Crime Agency (NCA). Additionally, ransomware operators have been identified in West Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.

James Babbage, a director of general threats at the NCA, noted that traditional criminal justice outcomes are challenging to achieve against actors based in uncooperative jurisdictions. Consequently, the US, UK, and other allies have relied on technological methods to dismantle some of the most prolific cyber criminal networks, such as the Qakbot network and its counterparts.

What’s particularly alarming in this report is the simplicity with which these attacks can be thwarted. Many businesses need to implement basic security measures such as multi-factor authentication, a widely accepted industry standard that is easily implemented. Others overlook the importance of using strong passwords or updating every machine on their network regularly.

A Worrying Reality

These statistics underscore a worrying reality: many UK businesses operate with inadequate cyber security measures that fail to align with the escalating digital threats. As cyber criminals evolve tactics, companies must reallocate resources and adopt robust cyber security strategies to mitigate risks effectively.

In light of these challenges, businesses must proactively enhance their cyber security posture. At Thrive, we specialise in partnering with companies to navigate the complex cyber security landscape. Contact us today to fortify your defences and ensure resilience against emerging cyber threats.

Thrive Enhances IT Infrastructure of Law Firm Hill & Ponton Download Now

Facing a pivotal decision, Hill & Ponton stood at a crossroads: either invest in upgrading their aging equipment or transition to private cloud. As a law firm situated in Orlando, Florida, they prioritized high availability and stability to safeguard sensitive data against cyber threats and natural disasters. Seeking enhanced security layers and a robust recovery strategy, they recognized the importance of establishing an effective security management program for future success. Acknowledging the evolving threat landscape, Hill & Ponton sought a specialized partner capable of navigating the increasingly disruptive IT environment essential for law firms’ stability and safeguarding sensitive client information.


Thrive’s solutions empowered Hill & Ponton’s digital transformation by providing a secure pathway to the cloud, enabling them to leverage advancements in cloud solutions beyond the capabilities of their legacy systems. With their cloud migration completed in May 2020, the firm gained enhanced performance flexibility, crucial for adapting to COVID-19 lockdowns and facilitating seamless operations in a remote setting. In June 2020, Thrive augmented their services by integrating Managed Services (MSP) into the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), delivering comprehensive monitoring, alerting, antivirus, patch management, and server support. Additionally, Thrive implemented immutable backups and advanced endpoint protection with Managed Detection and Response (MDR), further fortifying Hill & Ponton’s IT infrastructure. By entrusting Thrive with data management, accountability, and advanced security measures, Hill & Ponton’s digital capabilities were bolstered with additional layers of protection. The integration of managed services empowered their lean IT team to focus on critical tasks amid company growth, while Thrive handled compliance and security requirements. Hill & Ponton attests that their infrastructure now stands as its most reliable and secure, thanks to the cloud, positioning them to navigate the online landscape with confidence in today’s IT environment.


The timing proved opportune for Hill & Ponton’s cloud migration, aligning with their commitment to staying technologically current. Opting for a trusted partner was paramount, especially for a project of this magnitude. The integration of managed services empowered their lean IT team to focus on critical tasks amid company growth, while Thrive handled compliance and security requirements. Hill & Ponton attests that their infrastructure now stands as its most reliable and secure, thanks to the cloud, positioning them to navigate the online landscape with confidence in today’s IT environment.

“Partnering with Thrive has led to a phenomenal improvement in our IT infrastructure security and reliability. Our small internal IT department now has the tools and capabilities of a much larger team for a fraction of the cost. I wholeheartedly recommend Thrive if you’re looking for an IT infrastructure partner you can trust with your data and ultimately, your business.” ~ Allen Harper, IT Manager, Hill & Ponton

How can Thrive help your business?

Thrive is a leading provider of outsourced IT Infrastructure designed to drive business outcomes by helping you get the most out of your IT.

To learn more about our services, CONTACT US

Thrive Spotlight: Marc Friesen, Senior Cloud Engineer, Remote Access

Welcome back to another installment of our “Thrive Spotlight” blog series.

Our featured employee is Marc Friesen, Senior Cloud Engineer, Remote Access. In his role, Marc focuses on Thrive’s Managed Azure Virtual Desktop and Managed Citrix Cloud remote access methodologies. He also operates as a subject matter expert on many related technologies such as Duo MFA and Printerlogic managed Cloud print management, among others. In addition, Marc collaborates with internal teams throughout Thrive that coordinate management and support of Thrive’s many Cloud offerings and work on new technologies to vet and integrate them into Thrive’s platform.

Marc lives in Maryland, which is a short drive away from Thrive’s Elkridge office. He is an avid reader and video gamer. Marc enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons with his fellow dad friends when they can find a hole in their busy parental schedules, and he recently started periodically playing the card game Magic the Gathering with Thrive colleagues after work.

Hi Marc! Can you tell us about your background and how you came to Thrive?

I came to Thrive as part of the 2019 acquisition of Ease Technologies, where I was the lead engineer for over 13 years building their Cloud Computing and MSP business. That role transitioned into Cloud engineering for Thrive with our Managed Azure Virtual Desktop and Managed Citrix Cloud Platforms.

Where did you go to school or get training?

I received my Bachelor’s degree from Bethel College, a tiny school in North Newton, Kansas, where my family has gone for three generations. I frequently tease my 11-year-old daughter that she has to be the 4th generation.

I also attended school in Lyon, France, and Henderson, Nebraska.

What do you most enjoy about working for Thrive?

I am a fan of efficiency because it makes everyone better at their jobs and reduces stress for ourselves and our customers. That includes the organizational efficiency of professionalism.

Many times in IT, one gets stuck in the weeds of a particular problem; at Thrive, we have a bewildering breadth of experience, which means I can bring up a complex problem to colleagues and come back with a simpler/better solution that has been verified and documented.

Are there any recent exciting projects at Thrive you can tell us about?

Cloud computing is going through an explosion of capabilities and functionality as Microsoft has pivoted from a software to a service company. New features will allow offline login to Cloud desktop with data still accessible for offline work and then synced back when the system comes back online, all from a secure dedicated integrated boot environment.

We recently completed a complex migration for a customer from RDS to AVD and received the feedback after a few weeks running that “everything just works the same or better, so we have no feedback.” Music to my ears!


Are you interested in learning more about Thrive? Click here!

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news, and continue checking our blog for more in our “Thrive Employee Spotlight” series. Until next time…

The Future is Now, Powered by AI

“We see an onslaught of clients thrown against the wall and can’t keep up with threats,” said Stephenson. “We use AI to tool through every realm. Use AI to make better in-time decisions. However bad guys use AI to create exploits and vulnerabilities. AI is like a double-edged sword.”

Thrive Spotlight: Antwoine Adams, Senior Project Delivery Lead

Welcome back to another installment of our “Thrive Spotlight” blog series.

Our featured employee is Antwoine Adams, Senior Project Delivery Lead. In his role, he manages Thrive’s Enterprise and Strategic customers’ projects from design to delivery to execution. He serves as the liaison between our customers and the engineering teams at Thrive.

Antwoine calls Maryland home, and in his free time, he enjoys working out, watching basketball, and cheering on his son’s basketball, baseball and football games.

Hi Antwoine! Can you tell us about your background and how you came to Thrive?

My journey began as a helpdesk technician at my alma mater, Virginia Union University. My early interest in Cloud technology led me to volunteer to manage a significant PBX to VoIP project. This experience gave me a valuable boost in self-confidence and a sense of belonging in this field. Although the project was a success, I wasn’t initially considering a career as a project manager.

During that period, I was fully committed to being a Cloud engineer and had no plans to shift my focus. My transition into project management happened quite unexpectedly. I had the unique ability to both engineer and manage my projects. The company I was working for at the time recognized this skill set and approached me to assist in managing projects for other engineers. I agreed without hesitation. It was at that moment that I realized working on a project was significantly more straightforward than engineering, and I never looked back.

I joined Thrive after working at another MSP because I was seeking a fresh challenge in the same tech field, specifically within a larger company that offered a broader range of customers in its portfolio.

Where did you go to school or get training?

I completed my undergraduate studies at Virginia Union University, and for my Master’s degree, I attended South University in Savannah, Georgia. Regarding ongoing training, I firmly believe in continuous learning and utilize various resources, including reading, LinkedIn and YouTube.

What do you most enjoy about working for Thrive?

My team! I am incredibly fortunate to be part of a close-knit team that significantly makes my job more manageable. We share effective communication, collaborate seamlessly and genuinely enjoy working together.

Are there any recent exciting projects at Thrive you can tell us about?

Over the last six months, I’ve taken on the responsibility of managing some of Thrive’s high-value enterprise clients. This role has allowed me to demonstrate the significance of having a dedicated program manager and instill confidence in our ability to complete projects for these clients


Are you interested in learning more about Thrive? Click here!

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news, and continue checking our blog for more in our “Thrive Employee Spotlight” series. Until next time…

The Unspoken Threat from State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks and How They Might Affect Your Business

Many UK businesses may not know that as they go about their daily activities, the UK Security Services (MI5/MI6, alongside NCSC and GCHQ) are working diligently to protect their interests from state-sponsored cyber attacks. These government agencies monitor and prevent significant cyber attacks on the core systems that enable UK infrastructure (the Critical National Infrastructure or CNI) to operate.  

In this blog post, we uncover the latest threats posed by aggressive nations targeting the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure (CNI). We shed light on the severe impacts on British financial systems and businesses that have been disclosed to the public. 

Hidden Targets 

Larger organisations working in or supplying parts of the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure supply chain are typically informed about state-sponsored threats. However, smaller and medium-sized businesses are not always kept in the loop due to security concerns. Despite their inability to prevent state-sponsored attacks, SMEs must make themselves aware of potential risks within their supply chains for business continuity. 

Vulnerability in Critical Infrastructure 

Britain ranks as the third most targeted country for cyber attacks, and in 2023, it was the most targeted European nation. Recently, the vulnerability of Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) has escalated, posing a significant risk. Many CNIs have been outsourced to private companies, creating a clash between ensuring safe operations and the profit-driven priorities of private sector businesses. This friction jeopardises investment and preparation for cyber attacks, presenting a substantial threat to UK businesses. 

The outsourcing trend can lead to businesses replacing existing systems with commercial off-the-shelf products, potentially cost-effective but varying in cybersecurity protection. This increases the likelihood of severe physical disruption. The infamous 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack, although not specifically targeting the UK, is a stark example of the potential consequences of a deliberate attack. 

The HMRC has recently expressed concerns about its “old and ageing” IT systems. Failure to upgrade Whitehall’s security measures is seen as a risk for a major security breach affecting Britons’ National Insurance and bank details. Experts warn that such a breach could expose the UK to threats from Russia and China, both state-sponsored and independent. The HMRC’s annual accounts highlight the potential for a “major IT failure or security breach” due to the current software, posing a permanent risk to business operations. 

Tax expert Heather Self from Blick Rothenberg points out that the substantial expenditure involved is the obstacle to updating IT systems. She emphasises that if budgets are constrained, there is a risk of neglecting the upkeep of even the UK’s most critical systems. This ongoing situation reiterates the need for SMEs to be aware of this potentially long-term issue. 

“Very Large Probability” of a Devastating Cyber Attack 

Amplifying the existing threat landscape for SMEs, the government has issued a direct warning, indicating a 5% to 25% likelihood of a severe attack on the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) within the next two years. This information is drawn from the 2023 National Risk Register, an annual government report consolidating risks ranging from terrorism and cyber attacks to hazardous weather incidents. The report highlights risks to vital British infrastructures, including gas and electricity supply, the NHS, the transport sector, and civil nuclear facilities. 

Typically, the anticipated attacks involve actions such as encrypting, stealing, or destroying data, which are crucial to the functioning of the UK’s CNI. This jeopardises user data and threatens public trust, especially concerning electoral processes. The assessed likelihood of such an attack is rated at 4 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest probability. The anticipated impact is deemed “moderate,” yet it still signifies potential economic damage in the billions of pounds, as well as up to 1,000 deaths and 2,000 casualties. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is also identified as a “chronic risk,” presenting continuous challenges that could harm the British economy, National Security, and overall life. According to the World Economic Forum, 93% of cyber leaders believe there is a high probability of global geopolitical instability leading to a catastrophic cyber event. 

Dark Web Data Leaks 

In a recent cybersecurity incident targeting the UK, Russian hackers were suspected of leaking classified British military data on the dark web. The compromised information included details about the Porton Down chemical weapons lab, an HMNB Clyde nuclear submarine base, and a GCHQ listening post—additionally, the leak exposed sensitive data related to maximum security prisons and military sites. 

GCHQ warned about similar attempts by Iranian and Chinese hacker groups to carry out such attacks. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of the UK’s intelligence and security agency GCHQ, urged Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) operators, including those in energy and telecommunications, to be vigilant and prevent Chinese state-sponsored hackers from infiltrating their systems. 

According to an April-published government report on cybersecurity breaches, 32% of businesses and 24% of charities reported data breaches in the past year, with larger firms experiencing a higher rate of 69%. Despite being common targets for hackers seeking extortion, this report did not include public sector organisations. 

Analysts point out that SMEs in the finance, insurance, information, communications, administration, and real estate sectors, part of the CNI, face a higher likelihood of cyber attacks than those in other industries. Recognising this growing risk, the government has emphasised the need for all organisations to bolster their cybersecurity measures. 

Be Ready for Cyber Threats 

Staying informed about the latest cybersecurity threats affecting Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) is crucial for maintaining a solid defence. The alarming examples and statistics underscore the pressing requirement for SMEs to proactively strengthen their cybersecurity measures, especially with aggressor nations focusing on the British CNI.  

Thrive boasts extensive experience collaborating with SMEs to ensure security, even amid intricate attacks. We offer support, guidance, and assistance to help fortify your business. Reach out to us today to elevate the cybersecurity of your business. 

Thrive Spotlight: Duane Kostas, Service Dispatch Supervisor

Welcome back to another installment of our “Thrive Spotlight” blog series.

Our featured employee is Duane Kostas, a Service Dispatch Supervisor based in the Foxboro, MA office. He manages the scheduling of Thrive’s Field Engineers, coordinates third-party resources for projects, and AdHoc matters in areas lacking Thrive employees, dispatches personnel nationwide and internationally, and fosters relationships with third-party resources to optimize service for Thrive and its customers across all company locations.

While Duane is considered a rockstar at Thrive, he used to be a literal rockstar, playing bass guitar and singing in bands for nearly 30 years! He is still passionate about music and occasionally meets with pals for jam sessions to relive the glory days.

Hi Duane! Can you tell us about your background and how you came to Thrive?

With my IT background and experience in Kaseya and ConnectWise from a previous IT support job, I started as a desk support engineer for Corporate IT Solutions in 2010. As the company expanded, I noticed the need for better team management, I became the first Service Coordinator, which was crucial in keeping day-to-day operations running smoothly. When they merged with Thrive, I came along for the ride. Post-merger, I transitioned to a Client Engagement Manager role and currently serve as the service dispatch supervisor for Thrive. Having a technical background has helped me to succeed in both roles.

Where did you go to school or get training?

I received technical training at Newbury College in Brookline, Massachusetts, and Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. I earned an associate’s Degree in Programming from Newbury College and received an Outstanding Student Achievement Award for graduating with a 4.0 GPA.

What do you most enjoy about working for Thrive?

What I appreciate about being part of the Thrive team is the company’s enduring presence. Thrive’s continuous growth and resilience during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic speak volumes about the strength of its management and the dedication of its employees. It’s something that holds significant value for me.

Are there any recent exciting projects at Thrive you can tell us about?

I’m excited to continue to focus on enhancing Thrive’s dispatching process. I’m dedicated to refining the system by providing training and developing accessible documentation for everyone.


Are you interested in learning more about Thrive? Click here!

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news, and continue checking our blog for more in our “Thrive Employee Spotlight” series. Until next time…

Telarus Clinches Top Honor as Thrive’s TSB of 2023 in Inaugural Channel Awards

Thrive’s Outstanding Partner Awards Names Telarus as the Technology Solutions Brokerage of the Year

FOXBOROUGH, MASS. – January 16, 2024Thrive, a premier provider of cybersecurity and digital transformation Managed Services, proudly introduces its first-ever Outstanding Partner Awards to recognize exceptional collaborations within its network. Thrive is pleased to announce Telarus as the Technology Solutions Brokerage (TSB) of the Year.

These channel awards mark the launch of Thrive’s formal recognition program, spotlighting partners who exemplify collaboration, innovation and shared success that define the Thrive partner ecosystem. Each partner selected has demonstrated significant, increasing growth with Thrive in 2023.

“We celebrate Telarus as our TSB of the Year,” said John Holland, Chief Revenue Officer at Thrive. “This award reflects Telarus’ exceptional performance, dedication, and collaborative spirit, driving innovation for both parties.”

Richard Murray, COO of Telarus, expressed gratitude, stating, “This award reflects our commitment to excellence in partnership with Thrive. We look forward to continuing our collaborative journey, delivering cutting-edge solutions and unparalleled value to our clients in tandem with Thrive’s industry-leading expertise.”

Watch our Telarus Partnership Video. For more information about Thrive and its award-winning partners, please visit




About Thrive

Thrive delivers global IT outsourcing for cybersecurity, Cloud, networking, and other complex IT requirements. Thrive’s NextGen platform enables customers to increase business efficiencies through standardization, scalability, and automation, delivering oversized technology returns on investment (ROI). They accomplish this with advisory services, vCISO, vCIO, consulting, project implementation, solution architects, and a best-in-class subscription-based technology platform. Thrive delivers exceptional high-touch service through its POD approach of subject matter experts and global 24x7x365 SOC, NOC, and centralized services teams. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

About Telarus

Telarus, a premier global technology services distributor, has devoted over two decades to driving technology advisor impact and growth through deep market insights and experience, a partnership focus, and a comprehensive set of services, solutions, and tools. With a focus on collaboration with advisors and suppliers, Telarus enables technology advisors to source, purchase, and implement the right technology for the greatest impact.



Kristina O’Connell
EVP, Marketing

Thrive Honors Opkalla as Breakout Partner of 2023 in Inaugural Channel Awards

Opkalla Recognized for Outstanding Collaboration and Achievements in Cybersecurity and Technological Modernization Services 

FOXBOROUGH, MASS. – January 16, 2024Thrive, a premier provider of cybersecurity and digital transformation Managed Services, is pleased to announce Opkalla as the Breakout Partner of the Year Award recipient. This is part of Thrive’s first-ever Outstanding Partner Awards to recognize exceptional collaborations within its network.  

These channel awards mark the launch of Thrive’s formal recognition program, spotlighting partners who exemplify collaboration, innovation and shared success that define the Thrive partner ecosystem. Each partner selected has demonstrated significant, increasing growth with Thrive in 2023. 

“We are delighted to acknowledge Opkalla’s strategic thinking, leadership and significant contributions to Thrive’s growth with the Breakout Partner of the Year award,” Bill McLaughlin, Thrive’s President, stated. “Our top-tier partners fuel Thrive’s cybersecurity, digital transformation and Managed Services for businesses across North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.” 

“It’s an honor to be named Breakout Partner of the Year,” Aaron Bock, Opkalla Managing Partner, said. “We’re excited to continue working with Thrive to protect and empower businesses through Thrive’s comprehensive and advanced cybersecurity, Cloud and managed solutions.” 

Watch Thrive’s Opkalla Recognition Video. For more information about Thrive and its award-winning partners, please visit 




About Thrive 

Thrive delivers global IT outsourcing for cybersecurity, Cloud, networking, and other complex IT requirements. Thrive’s NextGen platform enables customers to increase business efficiencies through standardization, scalability, and automation, delivering oversized technology returns on investment (ROI). They accomplish this with advisory services, vCISO, vCIO, consulting, project implementation, solution architects, and a best-in-class subscription-based technology platform. Thrive delivers exceptional high-touch service through its POD approach of subject matter experts and global 24x7x365 SOC, NOC, and centralized services teams. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn. 

About Opkalla
Opkalla helps their clients navigate the confusion in the technology marketplace and choose the solution that is right for their business. They work alongside IT teams to design, procure, implement and support the most complex IT solutions without an agenda or technology bias. Opkalla was founded around the belief that IT professionals deserve better, and is guided by their core values: trust, transparency and speed. For more information, visit or follow them on LinkedIn. 



Kristina O’Connell
EVP, Marketing