Employee Spotlight
Employee Spotlight: Patrick Ramsdell, vCISO and Cybersecurity Consultant

Welcome back to another installment of our “Thrive Spotlight” blog series.
Our featured Thrive Employee is Patrick Ramsdell, vCISO and Cybersecurity Consultant at Thrive.
Patrick is primarily focused on acting as a trusted advisor to help his clients navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, compliance, technology and how they all fit together.
Patrick lives in Peabody, Massachusetts, which is about 20 minutes north of Boston (when there’s no traffic). He loves to travel and spend time with his family, including his two small boys who keep him very busy in Maine, Vermont and Costa Rica.
Hi Patrick! Can you tell us about your background and how you came to Thrive?
I worked at Tier1Net for almost exactly seven years before we were acquired by Thrive. I started on the helpdesk, got my chops as the onsite engineer for several years, and then started on strategic reviews of our clients’ networks and infrastructures. I’ve recently moved to Thrive’s vCISO team, where I have the opportunity to help our client’s meet their cybersecurity and compliance goals.
Where did you go to school or get training?
I actually didn’t go to school for IT. However, I worked on my high school’s ‘tech team’ and university’s IT help desk, and of course my time at the previous MSP. I’ll tell anyone coming up through the ranks: there is no better way to learn than being on a helpdesk and onsite with clients – the experience of having to think quickly is invaluable as your career grows. I received my CISSP certification in 2020 and am working towards my CISM.
What do you most enjoy about working for Thrive?
Coming from a smaller MSP, I really enjoy being able to introduce truly enterprise-grade solutions to my clients. With so many of them focused on cybersecurity and compliance, having solutions of such a high caliber is very valuable to them.
Any recent exciting projects at Thrive that you can tell us about?
I am currently in the process of helping a client with a limited Cybersecurity platform work towards compliance in their industry. I really enjoy being able to help them understand that Cybersecurity can be attainable with the right focus, some hard work and a clear goal.
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