Thought Leadership
How to Maximize the Benefits a Hybrid Cloud Solution Offers

Want the best of both worlds when managing the cloud? A multi-cloud approach allows for the strategic use of services from different Cloud providers to optimize performance and cost when running different workloads on different platforms. Thrive recently launched Hybrid Cloud Director to provide clients visibility and management capabilities across the private ThriveCloud, public clouds like Azure and AWS, and on-premise virtual server deployments.
Why the Multi-Cloud Approach Works
We’ll use the example of a thriving e-commerce company to help illustrate the value of the Hybrid Cloud Director. This hypothetical organization wants its resources secured and available 24/7/365, with a need for performance certainty, knowing the resources contracted for are performing at the level required when traffic spikes or seasonal events occur.
These environments will typically be placed in private Clouds. However, if a development team writes new software code for a temporary e-commerce site that is not in the private Cloud, it may lead to the IT team managing workloads in different locations. Plus, it can be a challenge to move the development workload on Azure or AWS to a production workload on the private Cloud without a lot of heavy lifting.
Thrive’s Hybrid Cloud Director does the hard work, and provides visibility into the state of virtual machines, resource usage, and any potential resource conflicts across each Cloud service to ensure smooth performance for users. The platform can work with all of the different environments an organization may have deployed, be it in ThriveCloud, Azure, or AWS, and not only manage workloads, but seamlessly move them between services. It takes only a few clicks to move workloads between clouds, while the platform facilitates everything on the back end.
Cutting-Edge Self-Management Solutions
Thrive has the capability to fully manage multi-cloud deployments, but self-service and direct control of environments may be preferred in many instances. We’ve heard the feedback from those who want that instant access to perform tasks such as virtual machine creation. The old way? Calling a sales representative to create an order for a new virtual machine can take days just to complete the contract. The new way? Within minutes, that machine can be up and running by using the Hybrid Cloud Director.
It’s easier than ever to create new virtual machines, remove machines, or add resources. It’s also easy to log in to the Hybrid Cloud Director and add more storage to machines on the fly if needed, too.
There are Cloud-related challenges, and retaining control over resources and knowing where they’re stored is one of them. Through this single platform, however, clients have visibility and control over their ThriveCloud, Azure, and AWS servers. It’s sort of like the air traffic control platform for diverse cloud environments.
To learn about Thrive’s NextGen Services and what we can do for your organization, get in touch with us today.