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What Goes into the Massive Fireworks Displays on the 4th of July?

Every 4th of July in many cities all over the United States there are massive fireworks displays for thousands to see. One of the biggest is right in our backyard in Boston, Massachusetts. The Independence Day celebrations in Boston are so large that it takes around 4 days to install the explosives but much longer for the pyrotechnician to plan and design the firework display to make it look amazing and go off seamlessly.

Grucci Fireworks Company, started in 1850, is one of the largest and longest running fireworks company in the industry. They are the company that puts on the amazing Boston Pops annual fireworks display on the 4th of July. Which you can see some of last years display here. They put on some of the largest and most popular displays all over the world from New Years in Dubai and Las Vegas, to Presidential Inaugurations. Last year they were hired to put on New Years Eve displays in 15 different time zones.

They use computer software to pre-choreograph the fireworks display which can take up to 48 hours to do. It takes around 50 pyrotechnicians 4 days to install all the explosives. Grucci Fireworks company has worked through the years and developed with technology going from hand lighting hundreds of explosives for one display to having fireworks equipped with programmable microchips that can be set off from a much safer distance of 300 feet away. These microchips also allow for some spectacular displays with different shapes from the American flag to a smiley face and a heart. You can learn more in an interview between CBS News and Donna Grucci Butler, of Fireworks by Grucci.

If you live in a state where it is legal to have your own fireworks display at your home, you can now use some of the same technology with a new device called FireFly. This device allows you to hook up your fireworks so you can set them off from a safe distance using your smart phone or tablet.

Whether you are going to watch a large fireworks display in a city like Boston, lighting off your own display in your backyard, or watching from your mobile device, Thrive wishes you a safe and happy 4th of July!

In case you can’t get enough watching fireworks here is some more video of Grucci Firework Displays.