Author Archives: Sydney Pujadas

Incident Response Planning Guide

Ensure Cyber Incidents Don’t Becomes Cyber Disasters.

Plan ahead to stay ahead. Cyber threats are everywhere, and in today’s digital landscape, it’s imperative to stay on top of your technology stack. Ensuring that your organization has a strong plan in place for when a cyber incident occurs can save you time and money.

Having an Incident Response Plan in place will put you ahead of bad actors and better safeguard your organization’s sensitive data. With Thrive’s Incident Response Planning Guide, you can feel confident that your organization is in great hands.


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Dress Rehearsal for Disaster: Why Your Business Needs an Incident Response Strategy

The Phantom of the Opera is the longest-running show on Broadway with over 13,000 performances and a 35-year tenure performing to packed houses. From its initial run in London back in 1986 before launching on Broadway in 1988, the show has delivered a consistently high-quality experience for thrilled audiences worldwide.

During the tenure of the production, it has been performed in multiple languages, by thousands of cast members. Still, the popularity and success have remained and that is down to having a very clear plan to follow. In theatre parlance, this will be a script that provides the lyrics and production guidelines to ensure that despite the variables of cast and location, the quality of the operation and performance remains high quality.

Planning and rehearsing are vital in all aspects of life to ensure success and if we apply the same logic to preparation for a cyber attack, organizations can be found wanting. If the exam question is, “What would you do in the event of a cyber-attack?”, you will often be met with a blank stare. This is not down to ignorance but predominantly because thankfully, there are still organizations yet to experience the disruption caused by a cyber attack.

Cyber attacks can cause immense disruption to business operations. According to Statista, the average downtime from a Ransomware attack in the US was 24 days. Naturally, being down for 24 days can cause a huge impact and possibly put an organization out of business but with the heavy reliance on information technology, even an hour of disruption can impact customers, employees and shareholders.

One of the biggest challenges and an important consideration when dealing with a cyber attack is determining who is in charge of the response. With a Broadway show, the overall responsibility lies with the Director to ensure everyone is on point in following the script to ensure a perfect show. That Director will have years of experience and there will have been a lengthy recruitment process to allow the backers of the show to make an informed decision, and ultimately the right selection. The Director may get it wrong occasionally and the show may not run as well on certain occasions but that is ultimately recoverable and will rarely impact sales. However, in the event of a cyber attack on an organization, having the right person or organization in charge of the response is even more critical as getting it wrong can mean that the business is no longer viable.

Even if you have never experienced a cyber attack it is important to be prepared to ensure the minimum of disruption and an efficient response. In the same way that we have home security cameras and alarms even though we may never have been burgled, preparation is key. Having the right person or partner to be in charge of the response is imperative and a key part of preparation. It cannot be understated in terms of the panic and chaos that a cyber attack can cause. A cyber attack can include the following events within your organization:

  • Endpoints encrypted
  • Vital Customer applications down
  • Lack of understanding of what has happened
  • Backup impacted
  • Share price impacted
  • Customer satisfaction impacted

In some organizations, the IT and Security teams are large enough and fortunate enough to have the requisite skills and plan in-house to create, rehearse, and follow an Incident Readiness and Response Plan. For many others, there are not the resources internally with the necessary experience to be a “safe pair of hands”.

When bringing in a third-party provider, some good questions to ask are:

  • Are they experienced in cybersecurity and remediating cyber attacks?
  • Do they have a global presence so that they can provide 24×7 responses?
  • Do they have experience across IT infrastructure to help remediate the issues that a cyber attack can cause on networks and endpoints?
  • Will they commit to a response within a certain timeframe?

By running through a process where you can make an informed decision and select the right person or individual for Incident Management, you can reduce the panic and distress that an incident will cause. You will not have to overspend and rush contracts through without the necessary diligence because of the urgency of the situation. It can provide an enormous level of comfort knowing that there is a trusted, experienced team on contract and working on your behalf to restore business operations in the worst-case scenario of a cyber attack.

At Thrive, our Incident Response Retainer helps ensure your organization is prepared, should a cybersecurity incident arise. Our team of experts is here to support your organization before, during, and after a disaster. Throughout our partnership, our designated experts will provide feedback and help deploy a tailored Incident Response Plan (IRP), regularly testing and optimizing your IRP. Should a cybersecurity incident arise, Thrive will immediately be in contact with your team to diagnose the incident and determine the next steps. Together, you can feel empowered about your IRP and ensure the safety of your organization’s sensitive data.

Whether it’s a Broadway show or being able to respond to an incident, ultimately preparation and the right person in charge will determine whether it’s a roaring success or a critical failure!

Contact Thrive today to learn more about how Incident Response and Remediation can help your organization minimize a disaster.

Integrating MDR and Managed IT Services for Seamless Remediation

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) has emerged as an indispensable solution to safeguard against evolving cyber threats and ensure the continuous operations of critical IT infrastructure. MDR is a proactive cybersecurity service that provides continuous monitoring, threat detection, and rapid response to security incidents. MDR solutions leverage advanced technologies such as AI-driven analytics, machine learning, and threat intelligence to detect and mitigate cyber threats in real-time. These services are typically provided by firms that monitor networks, endpoints, and cloud environments to identify suspicious activities and potential breaches.

But MDR services often fall short when it comes to the “response” component, leaving organizations’ security teams scrambling to fix issues themselves or trying to orchestrate a solution through multiple vendors – all while their systems and data are in peril. 

Situations like this are just one reason why vendor consolidation has been a growing trend in enterprises. A survey by Gartner, Inc. found that 75% of organizations are pursuing security vendor consolidation in 2022, up from 29% in 2020. While cost savings play a part in the drive to consolidate, there is also a desire to achieve operational excellence, which was the most common objective for mid-sized company CIOs surveyed by Gartner in 2023. 



Credit: Gartner


How do a better MDR response, vendor consolidation, and operational excellence tie together? The answer is managed IT services.  

Understanding Managed IT Services and MDR

Managed IT services encompass a range of outsourced IT solutions aimed at managing and maintaining an organization’s IT infrastructure. These services include network management, software updates, help desk support, cloud services management, and more. Managed IT service providers (MSPs) work closely with businesses to optimize IT performance, enhance productivity, and ensure the reliability and security of IT systems.

Having separate providers for MDR and managed IT services can introduce unwanted vulnerabilities into a business’s IT infrastructure. Disjointed communication and coordination between the two providers may lead to gaps in coverage and response times during security incidents. Without a unified approach to monitoring and managing IT systems, critical security alerts could be missed or mishandled, leaving the business exposed to potential threats. Additionally, conflicting strategies or technologies employed by separate providers may create compatibility issues, hindering the effectiveness of the security measures. These security issues must be addressed and resolved for a business’s cybersecurity posture to remain in compliance and stay effective against bad actors. Integrating service providers can greatly reduce these risks and save time when responding to potential threats. 

Opting for a single provider for both Managed Detection and Response and managed IT services significantly enhances a business’s security posture. Consolidating these services under one provider ensures seamless integration and coordination between monitoring, detection, and response efforts. This integrated approach enables a proactive, swift incident response, with real-time threat detection and remediation across the entire IT infrastructure. Moreover, a unified provider can offer a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s IT environment, facilitating tailored security solutions that align with business objectives and risk profiles. By streamlining operations and fostering collaboration between MDR and managed IT services, businesses can proactively mitigate security risks, strengthen their defense mechanisms, and better safeguard sensitive data and assets against evolving cyber threats.

The Benefits of Combining MDR and Managed IT Services with Thrive

  • Comprehensive Threat Detection and Response: By integrating MDR with Thrive’s managed IT services, businesses can benefit from a holistic approach to cybersecurity. MDR solutions provide real-time threat detection and response capabilities, while Thrive’s 24x7x365 security operations center (SOC) offers proactive monitoring and management of IT infrastructure. Together, these services provide comprehensive coverage, enabling early detection and a swift response to cyber threats.
  • Efficient Incident Management: Integration enables seamless coordination between MDR and managed IT teams, streamlining incident management processes. When a security incident is detected, MDR analysts can work closely with the team that is already familiar with the organization’s infrastructure, making it more efficient   to investigate the issue, contain the threat, and remediate any vulnerabilities. This collaborative approach ensures a faster response time and minimizes the impact of security incidents on business operations.
  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: Integrating MDR with Thrive’s managed services allows businesses to take a proactive approach against cyber threats. MDR solutions continuously monitor networks and endpoints for suspicious activities, while our expert team focuses on implementing security best practices, patch management, and vulnerability assessments. By addressing potential security risks before they escalate, Thrive can reduce the likelihood of data breaches and downtime.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Integrated MDR and managed IT services offer scalability and flexibility to adapt to the evolving needs of businesses. Whether expanding operations, adopting new technologies, or facing emerging cyber threats, businesses can rely on Thrive’s comprehensive suite of services that can be tailored to their specific requirements. This scalability ensures that businesses can maintain a robust security posture and IT infrastructure as they grow and evolve.

Integrating MDR with managed IT services with Thrive offers businesses a powerful approach to cybersecurity and IT management. By combining real-time threat detection, proactive monitoring, and efficient incident response capabilities, businesses can maximize efficiency, enhance security posture, and ensure seamless operations. By adopting integration best practices and leveraging advanced technologies, businesses can stay ahead of cyber threats and focus on driving growth and innovation in today’s digital landscape. Contact Thrive today to learn more about how you can get the most out of our expert managed services teams.

Cracking the Code: Addressing Healthcare Cybersecurity Gaps

The healthcare industry has witnessed a surge in cyber attacks, putting patient confidentiality, data integrity, and overall healthcare infrastructure at risk.

In the past year, 120 healthcare breaches were reported that have compromised data from about 11.5 million patient records across the country, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights

The digitization of healthcare records and the integration of connected medical devices have undeniably improved patient care and operational efficiency. However, this digital transformation has simultaneously given rise to a complex threat landscape that demands stronger healthcare cybersecurity. Cybercriminals target healthcare organizations to gain unauthorized access to valuable patient information, leading to potential identity theft, financial fraud, and even patient care issues.

Understanding the Challenges the Healthcare Industry Faces

  • Legacy Systems: Many healthcare organizations still rely on outdated legacy systems that may lack robust security features. These systems pose a significant challenge as they are more vulnerable to cyber threats and may not receive regular security updates.
  • Human Factors: Healthcare staff may inadvertently contribute to security vulnerabilities through actions such as clicking on phishing emails or using weak passwords. Adequate training and awareness programs are essential to mitigate these risks.
  • Interconnected Devices: The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in healthcare, from wearable gadgets to medical equipment, creates additional entry points for cyber threats. Securing these interconnected medical devices is crucial to maintaining a resilient cybersecurity posture.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Healthcare organizations must adhere to strict regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Compliance with these regulations is not only a legal requirement but also a vital component of safeguarding patient data.

Strategies for Bridging Cybersecurity Gaps

  • Risk Assessment and Management: Conduct regular risk assessments, like Thrive’s Cybersecurity Risk Assessment, to identify potential vulnerabilities and prioritize them based on their impact. Implement risk management strategies to address and mitigate identified risks effectively.
  • Upgrading Systems and Software: Invest in modernizing and upgrading legacy systems to ensure they have the latest security features and patches. Regularly update software and firmware to address vulnerabilities and enhance overall security.
  • Employee Training and Awareness: Educate healthcare staff on cybersecurity best practices, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and reporting potential threats. Training programs should cover topics such as phishing awareness, password hygiene, and secure communication practices.
  • Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enhance access controls by implementing MFA. This adds an additional layer of security beyond traditional username and password combinations, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Collaboration and Information Sharing: Foster collaboration within the healthcare industry to share threat intelligence and best practices. Establishing a collective defense approach can enhance the overall cybersecurity resilience of the sector. The Department of Health and Human Services Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) is a great example of government-led collaboration.  
  • Incident Response Planning: Develop and regularly test incident response plans to ensure a swift and effective response to cyber incidents. This includes communication protocols, data recovery strategies, and collaboration with law enforcement if necessary.

Addressing cybersecurity gaps in healthcare requires a proactive approach from healthcare providers and organizations. Cracking the code on healthcare cybersecurity is an ongoing effort that demands continuous adaptation to the evolving threat landscape. Contact Thrive today to learn more about how your healthcare organization can be better prepared against data breaches and other cybersecurity threats.

Is Microsoft Copilot Secure? What You Need to Know and Essential Steps for Security Optimization

Amidst remarkable innovation in recent years, it’s undeniable that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become ubiquitous. Their widespread adoption across sectors like financial services, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing signifies a notable shift. By 2023, 35% of businesses had embraced AI, indicating its quick integration into modern operations.

With the rise of generative AI solutions such as ChatGPT and Microsoft 365 Copilot, productivity is at an all-time high. But this productivity can come at a price if it leaves sensitive data more vulnerable to cyber threats. 

What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Microsoft Copilot has garnered acclaim as one of the most potent productivity tools available. It represents a cutting-edge Large Language Models (LLMs) AI assistant that seamlessly integrates into various Microsoft 365 apps — including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, Outlook, and more. 

What sets Copilot apart from other AI tools, such as ChatGPT, is its unparalleled deep integration with Microsoft 365. Functioning as the user’s ‘copilot,’ Copilot gains access to the entirety of a user’s work history within the platform. This comprehensive access enables Copilot to efficiently retrieve and compile data from documents, presentations, emails, calendars, notes, and contacts. By synthesizing the user’s workload, Copilot promotes creativity and alleviates the mundanity of day-to-day tasks. 

Understanding the Security Risk

While the remarkable benefits of Copilot are absolute, it’s imperative that as a business owner or IT leader, you understand the security risks associated with this kind of data integration tool. One of the primary concerns lies in Copilot’s extensive access to sensitive data, both within the company and with third parties like clients and partners. It inherits the same access privileges as the user, raising important questions about data security, confidentiality, integrity, and privacy.

The crux of the matter revolves around data vulnerability. Copilot’s ability to access and process vast amounts of organizational data dramatically increases the likelihood of data breaches, unauthorized access, and accidental exposure of confidential information. Moreover, the reliance on AI algorithms introduces complexities in data governance, compliance, and regulatory adherence, further complicating security management efforts.

As AI becomes increasingly prevalent within business operations, it represents an opening for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities, manipulate algorithms, and orchestrate sophisticated attacks. As such, organizations must remain vigilant and proactive in implementing robust security measures to safeguard against potential threats and vulnerabilities associated with Copilot’s deployment.

How Thrive Can Help

Thrive specializes in both collaboration services via Microsoft 365 as well as comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, making Thrive uniquely suited to meet the needs and challenges of organizations leveraging AI technologies like Copilot. We offer a multifaceted approach to Microsoft 365 strategy and governance, and security optimization, encompassing risk assessment, threat detection, incident response, and compliance management with the help of the following services: 

  • Ongoing Strategy and Governance Services for Microsoft 365:
  • Information Architecture Consulting
  • Access Controls and Policy Management
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Managed Detection and Response
  • Autonomous Penetration Testing
  • Endpoint Detection and Response

Our seasoned Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSPs) and Microsoft 365 experts offer your organization 24x7x365 monitoring and remain vigilant against evolving technology and threats, providing continuous surveillance over core critical infrastructure and security landscapes. Thrive can offer the security and governance assistance needed to move your business’s productivity and creativity forward.

All Things Considered, Is Copilot Right for Your Organization?

In evaluating Microsoft 365 Copilot, organizations must assess their risk tolerance, security needs, and readiness for AI integration. While Copilot enhances productivity and integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365, its access to sensitive data requires careful consideration of security implications.

By engaging cybersecurity experts like Thrive and implementing robust security measures, organizations can mitigate risks associated with Copilot while harnessing its transformative potential for innovation and collaboration. With strategic planning, you can navigate the complexities of AI-driven technologies with confidence and ensure the security and integrity of your organization’s digital ecosystem. Contact Thrive to learn more about your current security capabilities and assess if Copilot and other AI integrations are right for your organization. 

How Fractional CISOs Can Help Reduce Cybersecurity Risk

Today, many organizations, especially those with limited resources to hire security professionals, are turning to a flexible and cost-effective solution – Fractional CISOs. These Virtual Chief Information Security Officers (vCISOs) fill a critical gap by providing their expertise to organizations, which allows them to significantly reduce cybersecurity risks and threats.

“The top 2024 risk cited by internal audit leaders is cyber and data security, with more than 80% of respondents not only rating this risk highly but also giving it the top spot for expected audit efforts in 2024.” –Business Wire’s 2024 Focus on the Future Report 

Stringent security regulations and changing compliance requirements have created a need for strategic cybersecurity expertise within organizations, even though many do not have the allocated resources to hire a full-time CISO. With fractional security experts, you get scalable and cost-effective solutions for your organization’s IT security needs. Having a virtual CISO available can allow businesses to streamline their security measures and strengthen their security posture against cybersecurity threats and mitigate security risks.

Utilizing a vCISO service allows companies to rest easy and be assured that their business’s cybersecurity risk mitigation plan addresses key regulations and frameworks and is optimized to meet business needs and goals. Additionally, fractional CISOs provide the following benefits:

  • Expertise: Fractional CISOs typically have a broad range of experience in cybersecurity across various industries. Their expertise can help organizations navigate complex security challenges and stay updated on the latest threats and technologies.
  • Flexibility: Organizations can scale their security efforts up or down based on their needs. A fractional CISO can adapt to changes in the organization’s size, structure, or security requirements without the constraints of a fixed full-time position.
  • Strategic Guidance: Fractional CISOs can provide strategic guidance and assist in developing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy aligned with the organization’s goals. This includes risk management, compliance, and incident response planning.
  • Objectivity: By being an external resource, a fractional CISO can offer an unbiased perspective on security matters. This objectivity can be valuable in assessing vulnerabilities, identifying risks, and recommending solutions without internal biases.
  • Training and Awareness: Fractional CISOs can assist in creating and implementing cybersecurity training programs for employees, raising awareness about security best practices, and fostering a culture of security within the organization.
  • Incident Response Planning: Having a fractional CISO can aid in developing and testing incident response plans. In the event of a security incident, having a well-prepared response plan can minimize damage and downtime.
  • Technology Evaluation: Fractional CISOs can assess and recommend security technologies and tools that align with the organization’s needs and budget. This ensures that the organization invests in solutions that provide effective protection.
  • Risk Assessment and Management: A fractional CISO can conduct cybersecurity risk assessments, identify potential threats, and develop cyber risk management strategies to safeguard the organization’s assets and sensitive information.

Organizations need agile and effective cybersecurity solutions to stay ahead. Fractional security experts like vCISOs offer a practical approach, allowing businesses to access top-tier cybersecurity expertise without breaking the bank. By embracing this flexible “CISO as a service” model, organizations can significantly reduce risks, enhance their security posture, and navigate the evolving cybersecurity landscape with confidence. Contact Thrive today to learn more about how our vCISO services can help your organization stay ahead of cybersecurity threats.

Trust No One (but Thrive) The Definitive Guide to Zero Trust

Traditional network and application access protocols operate under the premise that once a user is inside the system, they can maintain that access and use it to access other resources on the network. If this now sounds slightly naive as a cybersecurity approach, that’s because it is. Time after time, small breaches have turned into big breaches, all because systems assumed that because the user was inside the corporate network, they could be trusted.

The Zero Trust security model is an approach built around the principle of “never trust, always verify”. It can be a logical way to address the security shortcomings of legacy approaches, but it adds a layer of complexity to the already overburdened plates of corporate IT teams.

DOWNLOAD our white paper today!

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The Partner That Knows: Legal Industry eBook

Legal firms, like many other organizations, face a range of cybersecurity issues that stem from the increasing digitization of information and communication. An increase in remote work and reliance on the cloud and emerging technologies has led to a rise in cyber attacks and data breaches, putting confidential legal information at risk.

The increased threats to the IT infrastructure of legal firms has left the industry scrambling for a robust and effective solution to thwart bad actors. Legal firms’ ethical responsibility to maintain attorney-client privilege is at stake, which cyber criminals know and often use to their advantage when conducting ransomware, phishing, and other attacks that can get them access to the overwhelming amount of sensitive information that is housed within legal firms’ databases.

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Top Cybersecurity Acronyms You Need to Know in 2024

When reviewing your IT stack and ensuring that your cybersecurity posture is strong, it is important to be able to identify common terminology so you can better understand potential issues and what they mean. Building a solid knowledge base about your cybersecurity needs is just as important as having a strong cybersecurity plan in place. Below are the cybersecurity acronyms you should know:

  • CNAPP – Cloud Native Application Protection Platform: Cloud Native Application Protection Platform refers to a security platform designed specifically for the protection of cloud-native applications. It addresses the unique security challenges posed by applications built using microservices and deployed in containerized environments. As more workloads move to the cloud, 2024 is the right time to develop a plan to implement more cloud-native security solutions.
  • CSMA – Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture: A Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture can bridge critical gaps by integrating isolated solutions through two-way connections, pulling data into the mesh and enabling actions across a diverse array of tools including secure email gateways, endpoint detection and response systems, and SOAR and SIEM platforms. This is expected to be a key initiative in 2024 for many organizations who are trying to better leverage the tools they already have.
  • CTEM – Continuous Threat Exposure Management: Threat Exposure Management involves identifying, assessing, and managing an organization’s exposure to cybersecurity threats. This includes evaluating vulnerabilities, understanding potential attack surfaces, and implementing measures to reduce the risk of exploitation. Recent advances in autonomous penetration testing have made the “Continuous” aspect of CTEM more feasible and will help proactively address and mitigate security risks.
  • LLM – Large Language Models: Large language models refer to advanced artificial intelligence models that are designed to understand and generate human-like text on a large scale. These models are typically based on deep learning architectures, and they are trained on vast amounts of textual data to develop a broad understanding of language patterns, context, and semantics. Due to its wide availability online, cyber criminals often use LLM to launch fully automated cyberattacks that are presenting new threats to the cybersecurity landscape. This trend is expected to continue as the models become more and more powerful.
  • MTTD – Mean Time to Detect: Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) is a key metric in cybersecurity that represents the average amount of time it takes for an organization to identify and recognize a security incident or a breach. It is a critical component of the overall incident response process and is often used to evaluate the efficiency of a cybersecurity program. “Detection Times” refers to the time it takes to detect and identify each individual security incident. The sum of these detection times is then divided by the total number of incidents to obtain the average. Typically, the lower the detection time, the better, as it indicates your organization is better equipped to respond to incidents and mitigate large amounts of downtime.
  • SASE – Secure Access Service Edge: Secure Access Service Edge is a cybersecurity framework expected to see high interest in 2024 as remote work has taken off. SASE combines network security functions with WAN capabilities to support the dynamic, secure access needs of organizations. Networking and security services are delivered primarily from the cloud to provide secure access for users, regardless of their location.
  • XDR – Extended Detection and Response: Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is a cybersecurity concept that goes beyond traditional endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions. XDR integrates and correlates data from various security tools and sources across an organization to provide a more comprehensive view of potential threats. It aims to improve threat detection, investigation, and response capabilities.
  • ZTA –  Zero Trust Architecture: Zero Trust Architecture is a cybersecurity framework based on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” With users and data residing almost anywhere, the old-fashioned perimeter security will be less relevant than ever in 2024. ZTA challenges the traditional model of trusting entities within a network perimeter and instead requires continuous verification of users, devices, and applications, regardless of their location or network status. 

With a cybersecurity landscape that is constantly evolving, staying updated on new acronyms and technologies is crucial. Working with a trusted, experienced managed IT service provider can help relieve the burden of having to constantly keep a pulse on new security trends and vernacular. Contact Thrive today to learn more about how our experts can help you keep up with your cybersecurity needs and stay on top of the latest regulatory changes and technologies needed in your IT stack.

Don’t Risk IT: Why Outsourcing Is the New Security Advantage

Traditionally, businesses have managed their IT infrastructure in-house, investing heavily in cybersecurity measures and talent. However, the rapid pace of technological advancements, the shortage of trained workers, the burden of regulatory compliance, and the complexity of cybersecurity threats have made it challenging for organizations to keep up. This is where outsourcing IT services enters the picture as a strategic security advantage.

Specialized Expertise

One of the primary benefits of outsourcing IT is being able to confidently hand off critical IT work and maintenance to a pool of specialized experts across industries. IT service providers, like Thrive, are equipped with highly skilled, certified professionals who are well-versed in the latest cybersecurity trends, technologies, and best practices to take on the work your business needs. These experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that may be challenging for an in-house team to match.

Outsourcing allows businesses to tap into a diverse set of skills, covering cybersecurity areas such as network security, threat intelligence, autonomous penetration testing, and incident response, as well as other technology services like disaster recovery, cloud computing, and collaboration. This specialization ensures that organizations have a robust and up-to-date IT defense.

Proactive Monitoring and Threat Detection

IT service providers often use advanced monitoring tools and technologies that enable proactive threat detection. Continuous monitoring of network activities, endpoint devices, and system logs allows for the early identification of suspicious behavior or potential security incidents.

By leveraging sophisticated threat detection systems inside of 24x7x365 global security operations centers, managed security service providers can swiftly respond to emerging threats and mitigate risks before they escalate. This proactive approach is a significant departure from the reactive strategies often associated with in-house IT teams.

Cost-Efficiency and Scalability

Another benefit of outsourcing cybersecurity to an IT service provider is that it can be a cost-effective solution for businesses, especially smaller ones with budget constraints. Rather than investing resources in the recruitment, training, and retention of an in-house cybersecurity team, outsourcing allows organizations to pay for the services they need, when they need them. This scalability ensures businesses can adapt to evolving cybersecurity requirements without unnecessary overhead.

Enhanced Focus on Core Competencies

Lastly, by outsourcing certain IT functions, organizations can redirect their internal technical resources so they can focus on operational excellence instead of putting out fires. Rather than dividing attention between managing IT infrastructure and concentrating on business growth, team members can focus on strategic objectives that make a bottom-line impact for the company.

As cyber threats become more sophisticated and prevalent, businesses must adopt a proactive and strategic approach to cybersecurity. With Thrive as your outsourced IT partner, businesses have access to specialized expertise, proactive monitoring, cost-efficiency, and the ability to focus on core competencies. Contact Thrive today to learn about how their services and platforms enable businesses to build a robust defense against cyber threats while staying agile and competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.