Author Archives: Maria Koblish

Alabama Health System Victim of Ransomware Attack

DCH Health System, a three-hospital network in Alabama, has reopened its doors to new patients a couple weeks after ransomware hobbled its computer systems.

According to DCH Health System, critical systems for patient care have been restored, while some nonessential functions are still being repaired.

In an article from Tuscaloosa News, it was stated DCH Health System paid the ransom demanded by the hackers. The hackers provided the keys to decrypt the data.


The high cost of ransomware

Even if you decide to pay the ransom, hackers aren’t always trustworthy. Some companies have been left hanging with no decryption keys after paying the demanded sum.

Also, the actual ransom is not the only cost associated with ransomware attacks.

Can your practice afford to have its computers down for days, weeks, or even months?

When it comes to the aftermath of the attack, you’ll likely pay overtime to internal staff, as well as hire contractors to pick up the slack if there is any deficiency in expertise. This is where the costs can really start piling up.

The costs to restore/repair an entire network and ensure all data and systems are working as before typically far overshadow the actual ransom.

Now, think about the damage to your practice’s reputation. Will people fully trust you? Will they feel comfortable with their personal data in your systems after it has been successfully attacked before?

And don’t forget any fines you may have to pay as a result of the attack.


It’s time to take a stand against ransomware

Is your cybersecurity up to par? Is your staff educated about the latest cyber threats?

What would happen to your business if you got hit with ransomware today? Would you be out of business in the near future if you couldn’t get your systems back up and running?

If you’re worried about ransomware, schedule your free cybersecurity consultation. Get your cybersecurity questions answered!

Stand up against ransomware with powerful security from Thrive. Contact us today.

Windows 7 upgrade worries?

Upgrading one computer’s operating systems is one matter, but a whole network’s worth?

We get it. There’s a lot on the line.

You know you need to upgrade Windows 7 (or Windows Server 2008) due to upcoming end of life in January 2020, but you fear incompatibility and downtime.

You may have many questions, like:

“When is the best time to perform the upgrade? What about my data? Can I make sure my business keeps running during the transition? What if we have a problem after the upgrade?”

The IT experts at Thrive can help get you upgraded smoothly and efficiently. We’ll advise on replacements to legacy software, and we’ll ensure your team is supported during — and after — the transition.

Hackers are Looking Forward to Windows 7 End of Life

Don’t oblige them.

Software end of life is the start of the party for hackers. They’re essentially free to find and exploit vulnerabilities in software that’s abandoned by their creators.

And with so many people still using Windows 7, you know hackers have already started formulating their plans of conquest.

Now’s the time to start planning for an upgrade!

Looking for No-Hassles Windows Upgrading?

The end is near for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.

For many business owners or administrators, the process of upgrading one’s network can be a real chore. There’s a business to run, after all.

“Where do I begin? How do I know if all my software is compatible? What about downtime? What happens if something goes wrong during the upgrade?”

You don’t want your mission-critical software and systems impacted – or even shut down – due to unforeseen incompatibility issues.

That’s where Thrive can help. We’re an experienced, nationally recognized team that can handle the whole upgrade process – and beyond.

Upgrade to Windows 10 for Increased Security

Ready to make the move from Windows 7?

As software and operating systems mature, one of the main things baked into the new code is an increased resilience to modern cyberattacks and network threats.

Windows 7 is a decade old.

Even with the patches released during that time, its hardiness can’t compare to that of Windows 10’s.

On top of that, Windows 7’s end of life in January 2020 means there will no longer be any new security patches after that date.

Contact Thrive for a free Windows 10 upgrade and security consultation.

Don’t Wait Till the Last Second

Still using Windows 7? End of life is rapidly approaching…

No idea how to proceed with upgrading your systems? No problem!

Software upgrades can certainly be a chore, especially when you have a network of many computers.

Then there’s the issue of software compatibility. Will your mission-critical processes be impacted by an upgrade? Are they incompatible? How can you tell?

The IT experts at Thrive can help. Our nationally recognized team can inventory your software and plan a safe upgrade. We will also ensure all your business-related software remains compatible. If something isn’t, we can assist in determining the best alternative(s).

We’ll support you throughout the upgrade process – and beyond – with managed IT services and monitoring to help ensure smooth operation all around.

BlueKeep RDP Vulnerabilities

BlueKeep: Another Windows vulnerability

If you’ve been tuned into our channels, you may have noticed our urgent calls for addressing any computers still using older Windows operating systems like Windows XP and Windows 7.

Well, here we go again.

Just recently, Microsoft urged users to update Windows to patch a security vulnerability.

Dubbed BlueKeep, this vulnerability is being compared to the dreaded WannaCry, a ransomware variant that wreaked globe-spanning havoc a few years ago and thrust the word “ransomware” into the collective lexicon.

Older operating systems, especially those that have already experienced end of life, can be especially susceptible.

Remote Desktop continues to be a choice vector of attack for hackers. BlueKeep is yet another Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) vulnerability. As with WannaCry, BlueKeep has worm-like features.

What does this mean? Once it gains a foothold in your systems, it has the potential to spread at terrifying speeds across the network without any user interaction.


Another malware red alert

Microsoft just announced it has issued fixes for two more critical vulnerabilities that are on par with BlueKeep.

Again, these are wormable issues, making the slightest breach a dangerous scenario.

Unlike BlueKeep, these new vulnerabilities are only found in Windows 10. This underscores that fact that all operating systems and software, not just outdated ones, need to be maintained.


Security forevermore

Software end of life, security fixes, and constant vigilance are just facts of life in the modern technological landscape.

“Keeping your software updated is just something that needs to be done,” said Brian Walker. “Cybercriminals are constantly looking for holes in these, so if a vendor like Microsoft issues a security fix, you best pay attention and get things patched up.

“Now, we understand this can be easier said than done, especially in more complex network environments. That’s why we’re here, to make life easier for our clients.”

“With our managed services, we can take care of things like software updates, patching, and security,” explained Aaron Allen. “Our team of IT experts can keep your systems up to date and secure while you focus on your core mission. We’ve been a longtime Microsoft partner and can assist with all things Windows.”

“With Thrive, we can manage all of your IT for one monthly fee,” continued Walker. “This allows you to remain laser-focused on your clients without having to worry about keeping up with the latest ransomware threats, social engineering tactics, and Windows vulnerabilities.

Contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your IT needs.”

How would you rate your Managed Service Provider?

The switch economy has had a profound effect on how we engage with service providers as individuals. Insurance and utilities companies need to go the extra mile and maintain a five-star service if they are to command customer loyalty. How would it affect your business if it was easier to switch Managed Service Providers?

As consumers, we have forgone the restrictive nature of service contracts in favour of greater flexibility. An entire market sector has grown out of the desire to switch; comparison sites make it easier than ever to see exactly what you get for your money and review sites allow customers to rate their experience. This has led to a significant change in the way service providers operate; placing an emphasis on flexibility, transparency and quality of service.

In a business to business environment this isn’t the case. Indeed, you could say that the industry is severely lagging behind. While it’s true that where B2C leads, B2B often follows, the industry doesn’t show too many signs of doing this. While G2 and Gartner offer some insight, they can’t be compared against the likes of uSwitch.

IT is spending more on infrastructure

Spicework’s 2019 State of IT report states that 89% of companies expect their IT budgets to either grow or stay the same in 2019. According to the report, this is being driven by a pressing need to upgrade outdated IT infrastructure.

Moreover, 35% of IT budgets in 2019 have been allocated to hosted/cloud-based services and managed services, meaning that IT and network managers will be engaging with both existing and prospective Managed Service Providers to evaluate their offering and see if they’re the right partner for this next stage of development.

How do you compare Managed Service Providers?

With access to a limited range of resources, assessing current (and evaluating prospective) Managed Service Providers can be a time-consuming process. However, the investment in time is well worth it. Whilst every organisation faces similar challenges, the exact combination of challenges, services and requirements will be unique to your business. Engaging with service providers on a personal level provides clarity and transparency.

Simply going to market to ‘see what’s out there’ will likely result in a lot of wasted time and effort. Before you start comparing service providers, make sure you have your assessment criteria locked down. If you have a current service provider, start there. An honest evaluation of your current service will identify if it’s fit for purpose and may identify areas where there is room for improvement.

Any criteria you set should be in line with your overall business objectives and not just consider your current infrastructure, but the desired future state of your technology. Think about your journey to the cloud, any legacy equipment you might want to wring the last few drops of ROI out of, or any major digital transformation projects in the future.

You also need to think about how the skills of your MSP complement those you have in-house. Rather than acting independently, your service provider should act as an extension of your IT team by filling skills and knowledge gaps, or having the capacity to take on the activities you don’t wish to focus on – be they every-day or business critical. In short, they should enable you to get the best out of your staff and your infrastructure.

Choosing the best MSP

Once you’ve defined what you want to achieve, you need to engage with service providers who understand the challenges you face and can demonstrate proven ways of solving them. You can then weigh up their solutions against three key criteria to see if they really do offer a five-star service:

Availability: 99.99% uptime still means you’re without service for 52min 35s every year. When dealing with business-critical applications, we don’t think you should compromise on availability. If you pay 100% of your fees, you should get 100% availability.

Flexibility: The future of your IT lies in hybrid infrastructure; combining public cloud, private cloud and on-premises services. A provider with an agnostic approach will help you locate your services and apps where you need them, when you need them.

Affordability: Complex pricing structures, hidden costs and poor life-cycle management all add unnecessary cost to your solution. An MSP with predictable, transparent costs makes budgeting more accurate.

So how do you find the right MSP for you? Reach out to us today

Ransomware Attack Takes Multiple Texas Government Agencies Offline

It has been confirmed this attack was carried out with ransomware.

Ransomware is a particularly nasty malware that encrypts a victim’s system and data. These are held for ransom, hence the moniker. The cyber attacker typically requests payment in bitcoin, an untraceable currency that’s all the rage with hackers.

If victims don’t comply with the ransom demands, they risk losing their data. For many companies and organizations, such as those in the legal, medical, and financial industries, this loss could equate to their death knell. At the very least, they risk tarnished reputations and considerable financial and productivity loss due to downtime.

The scourge of ransomware

Ransomware was brought into the global IT conversation in 2017, when WannaCry, a ransomware variant, wreaked havoc on computers and networks across the globe. In a flash, network administrators, business owners, and the public learned about – and experienced – the devastating potential of ransomware unleashed.

Now, more and more businesses are adopting a more aggressive stance against cyberthreats. But, attacks are increasing. The malware and ransomware variants are getting more complex, able to break through stout defenses. And social engineering allows attackers to “smooth talk” their way into systems.

Layered security is the best policy

“No one piece of hardware or software can protect you from ransomware,” cautioned Brian Walker. “There is no silver bullet, unfortunately.”

“A layered approach to cybersecurity is the best policy,” said Aaron Allen, Director of Technical Services. “Each additional layer you implement makes it that much harder for hackers to get through.

“Additionally, user awareness is a definite must. Your employees should be informed on the latest threats. They need to be aware of the devious tactics employed by attackers. One wrong click in a malicious email and you can very well be infected.”

“Worried about ransomware? Looking to improve your network security? Contact us to schedule your free security consultation.”

“Will I be forced to upgrade when Windows 7 end of life hits?”

Are you still on Windows 7 and wondering if Microsoft will force you to upgrade when, in January of 2020, their support of both Windows 7 and Server 2008 will cease?

You will be able to use Windows 7 after end of life.

But should you?

End of life means no more support or patches to holes in the operating system.

Did you know that many hackers will wait until after end of life for a particular software or operating system to zero in and exploit vulnerabilities?

Data is king these days, and if you want to avoid it being stolen, ruined, or held for ransom via ransomware, you’ll want to upgrade.

But what are the options?

What about compatibility with your mission critical systems?

Is it time to upgrade your hardware, too?

Are there any liability issues concerning insurance or industry regulations?

Thrive can assist with the whole process, from planning to execution. Our experienced team can perform the upgrades while minimizing the impact to your flow of business.

Contact us today for a free Windows end-of-life consultation.