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Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Samuel Fieldhouse, Security Engineer

Employee Spotlight: Samuel Fieldhouse, Security Engineer

Welcome back to another installment of our “Thrive Spotlight” blog series.

Our featured employee is Samuel Fieldhouse, Security Engineer.

Previously living in the United Kingdom, Sam now calls Calgary, Canada, home. In his spare time, Samuel dabbles in side projects that better help him learn the tools Thrive currently uses and develop solutions to implement in the workplace. He’s currently developing a security-focused Micro-SaaS web application using Django and React. He enjoys rebuilding his F800S BMW motorcycle from the ground up when he’s not in front of a keyboard.

Hi Samuel! Can you tell us about your background and how you came to Thrive?

I joined Thrive in early 2022 through an advertisement from the UK. acquisition of ONI. At the time, I worked as IT support for a mid-sized clothing company and then a small fishing company. I assisted in their e-commerce business, including writing websites, launching and managing a warehousing system and general IT. While my previous positions offered minimal focus on cybersecurity, the security team at Thrive was happy to take on someone passionate and educated in cybersecurity and provide them with the training and experience needed to succeed.

What do you most enjoy about working for Thrive?

The atmosphere at Thrive is second to none. My team is amazing and always focused on learning new things and helping each other. The culture at Thrive supports those who want to research and implement something new, or if someone is more knowledgeable about a topic, they’re always happy to share that information with the rest of the team.

Any recent exciting projects at Thrive that you can tell us about?

The newest project for the security team involves a new tool, FortiSOAR. This Security Orchestration Automation and Response tool will allow us to collate and use the information we receive as a security operations center to respond to any security threats effectively and efficiently. A crucial part of my new role with the Security Engineering team is to develop within the SOAR and use its powerful automation to take away the mundane and repetitive tasks in an analyst’s day, allowing them to focus more on the things that matter.


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