Benefits of Network Protection Services

Network Security in today’s high tech environment is now more important than ever. Hackers and cyber criminals have gotten very sophisticated in the methods they use to carry out exploits. For many companies this means added layers of security and infrastructures which create a network with many different facets.
In today’s economy many businesses do not have the resources which are required to implement the necessary equipment and employ staff with the skills to maintain network security. This represents a very real challenge for companies in terms of data security, business continuity and productivity. This is where network protection services can be invaluable when it comes to protecting company assets.
Specialized Services
The current economy has forced many companies to reduce staff expenditures which results in a shortage of IT staff. As a result, many IT professionals are over extended and unable to specialize in a specific area. More often than not a single task is accomplished at the expense of other tasks.
By using a network protection service, you can alleviate this concern with IT professionals that specialize in network security. This helps to increase the security of your network and save on costs in the long run.
Customization with Reduced Costs
Every company has different security needs. Implementing the equipment and applications which are necessary for meeting these needs can be costly. Quality network protection services are capable of designing a network security infrastructure that appropriately serves your company requirements minus the cost of equipment installation and configuration. A network protection service will assess your needs and then customize comprehensive solutions which range from specific security applications to Virtual Private Networks.
Network security services which are deployed on the premises can potentially mean that security status reporting comes from multiple locations. This can prove to be an IT nightmare from the administrative perspective which increases the risks of security exploits being overlooked.
Network protection services can provide reporting solutions that monitor overall network status from one reporting interface. This means improved security for your company network while reducing the costs of network maintenance and monitoring.
Email Security
Email can be one of the primary causes of network exploits due to the fact that it is used for company-wide communications. When you use a network protection service, your email is filtered on the third party network prior to being forwarded to your mail server. This process provides a way for you to easily monitor onsite network connections since you know exactly where the mail connection originated.
Comprehensive Network Management
Keeping up with patch updates, anti-virus and anti-malware processes, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and overall network health is a monumental task for most companies. Network protection services can provide comprehensive solutions which provide enterprise-class security by overseeing the management of firewalls, patching, anti-virus and anti-spyware protection, and performing regular Network Health Assessments. This ensures you have protection around the clock for your staff, network, and your company.
If you are considering using a network protection service, contact Thrive Networks to learn about the different options we have available.