Author Archives: Megan Carnes

Is your organization prepared for NIST 800.171 Certifications (CMMC)?

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program is aligned to DoD’s (Department of Defense) information security requirements for DIB (Defense Industrial Base) partners. It is designed to enforce protection of sensitive unclassified information that is shared by the Department with its contractors and subcontractors (Organization Seeking Certification – OSC). The program provides the Department increased assurance that contractors and subcontractors are meeting the cybersecurity requirements that apply to acquisition programs and systems that process controlled unclassified information.  

Under CMMC guidelines non-federal organizations will be required to follow the proper security standards for overseeing the following. 

  • Federal Contracted Information (FCI)
  • Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

If your organization is not awarded a Level 1 or Level 2 CMMC Certification prior to the awarding of a contract, that contract will be denied.

The current certification processes are directed by CMMC Revision 2.0. There are three distinct levels that make up the certification process. A level determination for a client will be set by a DOD Contracting Officer.

Level 1: Is Foundational (basic safeguarding) of Federal Contracted Information (FCI) which consists of six domains covering seventeen practices

Level 2: Is Advanced (Advanced Security Requirements) of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) which consists of fourteen domains covering 110 practices.

Level 3: Is Expert which covers Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) with a focus around (DIB) partners managing highly classified information. This level includes the current Level 2 practices and domain, including an additional set of controls not yet specified. The DoD estimates that less than .1% of active DIB Partners (about 160 companies) will require Level 3 Certifications.

Please note: Current certification is based upon Revision 2.0. As new revisions of the certification are released, many of the practices, while not being removed, may be reworked and adjusted to define the proper levels of certification.

How are CMMC Audits Performed?

Under the current guidelines of Revision 2.0 of CMMC with assignment from a DoD, a Contracting Officer to the Organization Seeking Certification (OSC) will dictate your certification Level requirements.

Level 1: – Foundational (Basic Safeguarding) of Federal Contracted Information (FCI) will require the OSC to fulfill all six domains and seventeen practices to achieve a certification. Level 1 Certifications will require the OSC to submit a self-assessment to the Suppliers Performance Risk System (SPRS). Level 1 Certifications, upon awarding of a contract, are good for annual certifications and will require submission of the self-assessment yearly. The DoD can conduct a full audit on the OSC seeking Level 1 Certification if there are any discrepancy concerns within the self-assessment submission.

Level 2: – Advanced (Advanced Security Requirements) of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) will require the OSC to fulfill all fourteen domain and 110 controls to achieve a certification. Level 2 Certifications will require the OSC to reach out to the Cyber-AB Marketplace (HTTPS:// and contact a C3PAO (CMMC Third Party Assessment Organization) in order to conduct a physical audit of the organization in order to receive certification. Level 2 Certification, upon awarding of a contract, are good for three years before re-certification is required by a C3PAO.

Level 3: – Expert will be required to fulfill all requirements for Level 2: (14 domain and 110 controls) plus an additional set of practices not yet defined. Level 3 Certifications will require a physical audit. However, due to the security nature of the organization seeking certification, the audit will be directly conducted by the DOD DIBCAC (Department of Defense – Defense Industrial Base Cyber Assessment Center). Level 3 Certification, upon awarding of a contract, are good for three years before re-certification is required by a DOD DIBCAC.

How does an Organization Seeking Certification (OSC) look to prepare themselves?

As Organizations prepare for their certifications, below are some key operations to start thinking about.

  • Proper organization and operational documents and policies aligning with physical, technical, and security operations.
  • Governance and Risk Compliance Operations and Programs
  • Technology and Security Operations:
    • Security Awareness and Anti-Malware Training Programs for end-users
    • Endpoint and infrastructure security operations
    • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
    • Email Filtering and Security Monitoring
    • Event Detection and Response (EDR)
    • Endpoint DNS Filtering
    • Vulnerability Operations
    • Two-Factor Authorization
  • Penetration Testing
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • FedRAMP Compliant Services

Time is running out because organizations will be required to achieve a proper CMMC Certification to be awarded a contract. Organizations should reach out to a Registered Practitioner (RP) or Registered Practitioner Organization (RPO), which are individuals, or organizations certified by the Cyber-AB, to help with readiness for Level 1 and Level 2 Certification needs. Organizations can find this certified individual or group through the Cyber-AB Marketplace.

Contact Thrive today to learn more about how we can help you achieve proper CMMC Certification. Thrive has Certified RPs ready to help with readiness and planning.

Balancing the rewards and risks of AI tools

AI’s promise of time and money saved has captivated employees and business leaders alike. But the real question is… is it too good to be true? As enticing as these rewards may be, the risks of this new technology must also be seriously considered.

Three Strategies to Help You Solve Your IT Skills Gap

In today’s world, technological advancements are progressing at an unprecedented pace, creating vast opportunities for individuals and organizations. However, the rapid growth has also led to a significant demand for skilled professionals with the right competencies to meet this ever-increasing need. One area where this demand is particularly critical is cybersecurity, where the shortage of skilled professionals has become a significant concern. Even with technology outsourcing, having strong IT leaders is critical to managing and securing your business today and tomorrow.

Empowering Education: How Thrive Fortified CBT Technical Institute’s IT Infrastructure Download Now


CBT Technical Institute offers technical training and certification programs in various fields, such as information technology, cybersecurity, network administration, and more. The institute sought a partner to fill IT gaps, provide strategic solutions to bolster cybersecurity resilience, and optimize operations across its three campuses. This case study details how Thrive fortified CBT’s IT infrastructure and provided essential support, enabling seamless operations and proactive cybersecurity measures.

CBT Technical Institute faced a significant challenge when its IT supervisor departed for another company, leaving a critical void in managing its websites and servers. The workload became overwhelming with only a small team of three IT support specialists, as their focus was divided among various tasks. Realizing the need for additional support and contingency planning, CBT turned to Thrive to provide essential protection and strategic direction for its technology solutions. Thrive’s security services and ThriveCloud platform complement their internal team, ensuring comprehensive coverage and preparedness for potential disruptions.

Why Thrive Was Chosen

CBT Technical Institute chose Thrive because of its comprehensive suite of services and Thrive’s commitment to a genuine partnership. When evaluating potential partners, Thrive stood out for its adept management of services and software and robust security measures that alleviate the burden of maintaining CBT Technical Institute’s infrastructure and data security.

Thrive’s Robust Solution Offering and Collaborative Approach

Thrive’s comprehensive solution included Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) for endpoint protection, server management, and Microsoft 365 email and Exchange management and monitoring. Facing expertise gaps, CBT Technical Institute turned to Thrive for comprehensive security services, leveraging ThriveCloud. Outsourcing these services marked the beginning of the partnership, with Thrive guiding CBT through onboarding and offering expertise and support. Through collaborative efforts, Thrive ensured a seamless transition, empowering CBT to navigate its technology confidently.

Impact and Results

Thrive’s intervention at CBT Technical Institute resulted in notable efficiencies and operational improvements. Migrating servers to the Cloud and deploying new infrastructure addressed challenges linked to outdated hardware, which enhanced server management and performance. Users experienced significant improvements in service responsiveness, while Thrive’s cost-effective solutions remained within CBT’s budgetary limits. With Thrive hosting its database, the institute’s data security and resilience were fortified, ensuring robust protection and rapid recovery from disruptions, underscoring CBT’s commitment to safeguarding sensitive educational information.

Exceeding Expectations

Thrive consistently exceeds expectations, with its team going above and beyond to meet CBT’s needs. From dedicated engineers like Nick, who assist outside regular hours, to responsive project managers, CBT praises Thrive for its unwavering dedication, collaborative approach, and exceptional support. “Thrive provides a virtual solution for any company that needs protection and lacks the resources to keep moving forward. If a company doesn’t have an IT department or support to assist users, maintain servers, and ensure security, Thrive is the one that can provide that,” said Roosevelt McCullough, Database Administrator for CBT Technical Institute.


CBT Technology Institute Logo

“Unlike other cloud and third-party providers that offer temporary fixes, Thrive provides a long-term solution, enabling our company to evolve and access resources and support as needed.”  ~ Roosevelt McCullough, Database Administrator for CBT Technical Institute



About Thrive

Thrive delivers global technology outsourcing for cybersecurity, Cloud, networking, and other complex IT requirements. Thrive’s NextGen platform enables customers to increase business efficiencies through standardization, scalability, and automation, delivering oversized technology returns on investment (ROI). They accomplish this with advisory services, vCISO, vCIO, consulting, project implementation, solution architects, and a best-in-class subscription-based technology platform. Thrive delivers exceptional high-touch service through its POD approach of subject matter experts and global 24x7x365 SOC, NOC, and centralized services teams. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

AI-generated Cyber-attacks: A New Emerging Threat

As AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, UK businesses face a new and formidable challenge in cybersecurity. A new wave of threats has arisen, posing substantial risks to companies of all sizes. In this article, we’ll explore the emerging AI-generated threats, their devastating impact, and how they mainly affect companies like yours.

What does the NCSC have to say?

In its January 2024 assessment, the NCSC stated that AI will almost certainly impact cyber-attacks, and here’s how. The organisation shows that, in the near term, AI will mainly provide malicious actors with the capability to scale up their social engineering tactics, communicating directly with victims to manipulate them into handing over details or funds. This includes creating “lure documents” without the grammatical translation faults that often ring alarm bells in the victim. They also state this will likely increase over the next two years as models become popular.

AI’s capacity for rapid data summation will also enable cybercriminals to identify businesses’ high-yield assets, which will likely enhance the impact of their crimes. According to this report, hackers (including ransomware) have already been using AI to increase the efficiency and impact of their attacks. Attackers can go deeper into networks with the help of AI-enhanced lateral movement, assisting with malware and exploit development.

However, for the next 12 months or so, human expertise will continue to be needed in these areas, meaning that any small uptake in this threat will be limited to very skilled hackers. Beyond this, experts envisage that malware will even be AI-generated to circumvent current security filters in place. It’s also very realistic that highly capable State Actors have repositories substantial enough to train an AI model for this.

As we enter 2025, large language models (LLMs) and GenAI will make it extremely difficult for any businessperson, regardless of your cybersecurity understanding, to spot spoofs, phishing, or social engineering attempts. We can already tell from this report that the time between security updates being released and hackers exploiting unpatched software is steadily decreasing. The NCSC warns that these changes will “highly likely intensify UK cyber resilience challenges in the near term for the UK government and the private sector.”

Potentially catastrophic results

Time and again, we see how more sophisticated attacks are storming even Britain’s most protected infrastructures. Just last year, as previously reported, hackers accessed sensitive UK military and defence information and published it on the dark web. Thousands of pages of sensitive details regarding max-security prisons, Clyde submarine base, Porton Down chemical weapons lab, GCHQ listening posts and military site keys were revealed to criminals, gravely compromising critical infrastructure.

In the same period, we saw cyber-criminals strike the NHS, revealing details of more than a million patients across 200 hospitals, including NHS numbers, parts of postcodes, records of primary trauma patients and terror attack victims across the country. The actors responsible are still unknown despite extensive specialist analysis. This is similar to the previous year’s attack, leaving the NHS with a devastating software outage, impairing NHS 111, community hospitals, a dozen mental health trusts, and out-of-hours GP services. This incurred considerable safety risks for the British public,

such as incorrect prescriptions and the inability of mentally unwell patients to be correctly and professionally assessed.

In January this year, the UK government released a policy paper introducing the “AI Safety Institute” concept. This paper mentions AI being misused in sophisticated cyber-attacks, generating misinformation and helping to develop chemical weapons. It also mentions experts being concerned with the possibility of losing control of advanced systems, with potentially “catastrophic and permanent consequences.”

AI development out of control

It also admits that “At present, our ability to develop powerful systems outpaces our ability to make them safe.”, adding to already existing concern for the safety of AI. While it pledges to develop and conduct evaluations on AI systems to minimise existing harms caused by current systems, this still needs to take away from the need to be vigilant regarding this ever-evolving new technology. Another government paper, “Safety and Security Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence to 2025,”lists the most significant AI risks for 2025 are cyber-attacks (more effective and more substantial scale as previously mentioned, using enhanced phishing and malware); increased digital vulnerabilities as GenAI integrates into the critical infrastructure and brings forth the possibility of corrupting training data or ‘data poisoning’; and erosion of trust in information as GenAI can create hyper-realistic bots and synthetic media or ‘deep fakes.’ The government assesses that by 2026, synthetic media could make up a substantial portion of content online and risks eroding public trust in media outlets and governments. This issue needs to be solved by any means.

How UK businesses are affected

For a business, the uncontrolled development and use of AI systems raise concerns about access security to company systems, data integrity and protection of IP, patents and brand image. Medium-sized SMEs often operate with tighter budgets and leaner IT teams, making it a challenge to invest in comprehensive cyber solutions or know where to start. According to the NCSC, “SMEs are often less resilient to cyber-attacks due to a lack of resources, skills and knowledge.”

Cyber-criminals are wise to this and target businesses of this size with tailored attacks such as AI-enhanced phishing correspondence. In fact, according to the 2024 Sophos Threat Report, over 75% of customer incidents handled were for small businesses. Data collected from SME business protection software indicates that SMEs are targeted (mostly with malware) daily.

Fortunately, hackers’ use of AI is still at an early stage and is bound to become increasingly sophisticated as it continues to develop at its current rapid speed. There is still time to protect you and your business, and the Thrive team is highly experienced in guiding and supporting SME businesses every step of the way. Contact us today.

Thrive Spotlight: David Bloomer – Director, Technical Advisory Services – New York Financial Services

Welcome back to another installment of our “Thrive Spotlight” blog series.

Our featured employee is David Bloomer, Director, Technical Advisory Service – New York Financial Services.  In his position, he leads a team of Virtual Chief Information Officers who provide services to our clients.  He also works directly with clients to provide strategic advisory guidance, technology business reviews, and technology executive leadership. In addition, David works closely with the Thrive Advisory Services leadership team to shape and improve our Advisory Services practice.

He lives just outside of New York City in Union County, New Jersey and works out of our Mid-Town NYC office.  David has been married to his wife for 17 years and they have three children, ages 7,10, and 12, and one dog named Charlie.  They love sports and all his children are on competitive swim teams, so outside of work he spends a lot of time at swim meets.

Hi David!  Can you tell us about your background and how you came to Thrive? 

I have always been interested in technology and knew from an early age that I wanted to work in that field.  I started working for Precision IT, a small MSP in New York City shortly after graduating from college.  Starting at a smaller company provided me with an opportunity to learn about multiple roles within a company and I was able to develop my technology and business skills quickly.  I also quickly learned the importance of mentorship within my career.  I have been working as a Technology Consultant in New York City for nearly 20 years and have held many roles in engineering, networking, solution design, IT service management, account management, project management, security, and executive functions.  Thrive acquired Precision IT 6 years ago and I have continued with the company since the acquisition.

Where did you go to school or get training? 

I got a Bachelor of Science degree with a focus on Computer Information Systems from Roger Williams University.  After college, I continued technology training, earning multiple certifications. One of the highlights in my college career was having the opportunity to study abroad in Florence, Italy for a semester. I love history and it was great spending an entire semester learning about the Italian Renaissance.

What do you most enjoy about working for Thrive? 

I enjoy the people I get to work with and the clients I get to help. I have worked with some of my coworkers and clients for nearly 20 years and have built great relationships with them.  It is great getting to meet our clients and learn more about their company. I also enjoy following and learning about the latest technology and technology trends.

Are there any recent exciting projects at Thrive you can tell us about? 

Throughout the last year, I have worked on several challenging and successful projects.  I have helped clients improve their security, upgrading their remote access solution, implementing a new support model, office expansion and relocation projects, and Cloud upgrade and migration projects.


Are you interested in learning more about Thrive? Click here!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news, and continue checking our blog for more in our “Thrive Employee Spotlight” series. Until next time…

Thrive Empowers Exo to Scale Securely in the Utilities Vertical Download Now


Exo, a private equity-backed organization that provides inspection, remediation, and engineering services to ensure the reliability and resiliency of critical infrastructure for utilities and over half of the top ten U.S. retailers. This case study outlines how Thrive, a trusted technology partner, assisted Exo in enhancing its cybersecurity resilience and optimizing its IT infrastructure to support future expansion.

The Challenge

Exo needed to bolster its cybersecurity defenses amidst rapid growth. The organization aimed to streamline IT operations to allocate resources strategically while ensuring robust security measures. Exo was deciding between backfilling an in-house IT position or using a third-party partner capable of supporting its cybersecurity and IT management needs.

Why Thrive Was Chosen

Exo selected Thrive for its proven track record in supporting PE-backed ventures and its forward-thinking approach to cybersecurity. Thrive’s extensive experience and innovative solutions perfectly aligned with Exo’s diverse IT requirements, spanning various ecosystems including Microsoft 365, AWS cloud servers, and critical network infrastructure. What genuinely set Thrive apart was its unique ability to consolidate management of hardware, software, and cybersecurity services under one umbrella. This comprehensive approach not only streamlined Exo’s operations but also provided unparalleled protection, offering Exo the peace of mind needed to focus on its core business objectives while ensuring robust cybersecurity measures are in place.

“Thrive allows us to concentrate on our core business objectives without being bogged down by the less critical tasks that can often divert our attention. In essence, Thrive’s support allows us to focus on what truly matters, making them an invaluable asset to our organization,” said John Ross, CIO at Exo.

Strategic Deployment of Advanced Security Measures

Thrive prioritized security and scalability by deploying advanced endpoint security, robust backup and disaster recovery services, and innovative cybersecurity solutions for Exo This proactive approach minimized cybersecurity risks and downtime, ensuring uninterrupted operations. Implementing an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) program bolstered endpoint protection while ensuring reliable and scalable VPN capability. Cybersecurity training empowered Exo’s team to recognize and mitigate threats effectively. Thrive’s comprehensive approach and vigilant monitoring through its SOC and NOC allow Exo to focus on core objectives with peace of mind. These features were swiftly integrated, providing immediate benefits.

Thrive’s Impact

Thrive’s partnership kick-started Exo’s projects with remarkable efficiency and expertise. What would have taken Exo a year to achieve, Thrive accomplished in almost 60 days, a testament to their commitment and capability to deliver results with precision and speed. Partnering with Thrive elevated Exo’s capabilities, instilling confidence in meeting customer demands through round-the-clock monitoring and cutting-edge tools. Thrive’s infrastructure and cybersecurity support freed up resources, allowing Exo to focus on value addition. “Thrive enabled us to focus on adding value through analytics and automation by providing infrastructure and cybersecurity support without needing a full-time team. It’s the best of both worlds,” said John Ross, CIO at Exo. Overall, Thrive’s partnership significantly impacted Exo’s operations, providing invaluable peace of mind as it navigates its growth journey.

“Thrive functions as our MSP and offers robust cybersecurity services under one umbrella. This integrated approach provides peace of mind, knowing that our hardware, software, and cybersecurity are all expertly managed and protected by a single trusted partner. Thrive’s ability to fulfill all our requirements within one solution made them the clear choice for us.” ~ John Ross, CIO, Exo


About Thrive

Thrive delivers global technology outsourcing for cybersecurity, Cloud, networking, and other complex IT requirements. Thrive’s NextGen platform enables customers to increase business efficiencies through standardization, scalability, and automation, delivering oversized technology returns on investment (ROI). They accomplish this with advisory services, vCISO, vCIO, consulting, project implementation, solution architects, and a best-in-class subscription-based technology platform. Thrive delivers exceptional high-touch service through its POD approach of subject matter experts and global 24x7x365 SOC, NOC, and centralized services teams. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

The Essential Role of Data Organization for Accurate Results from Microsoft Copilot

In today’s digital era, leveraging advanced tools like Microsoft Copilot can significantly enhance productivity and decision-making. However, the accuracy and effectiveness of these AI-driven solutions are heavily dependent on the quality and organization of the underlying data. This blog post delves into the critical importance of data organization for extracting accurate and reliable results from Microsoft Copilot, offering insights and strategies to maximize its potential.

Understanding Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence tool designed to assist users in navigating complex data landscapes, generating insights, and automating tasks. Integrating with Microsoft’s suite of products offers a seamless experience in data analysis, content creation, and more. However, like any AI system, Microsoft Copilot’s performance is directly linked to the data it processes. This highlights the necessity of proper data organization.

The Pillar of Accuracy: Data Organization

Data organization involves structuring and managing data to be efficiently accessed, analyzed, and used by software and humans. Here’s why it plays a pivotal role in achieving accurate results from Microsoft Copilot:

Enhances Data Quality

Well-organized data improves the quality of the information being processed. By ensuring that data is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date, Copilot can generate more reliable outputs. This is particularly crucial for businesses relying on data-driven decisions.

Facilitates Data Accessibility

Data organization makes it easier for tools like Copilot to access necessary data promptly. A well-structured dataset allows the AI to parse through information efficiently, leading to quicker and more accurate results.

Reduces Data Complexity

Organizing data helps simplify complex datasets, making them more manageable for AI tools. Copilot can more easily identify patterns and insights by categorizing and cleaning data, enhancing its analytical capabilities.

Supports Data Integration

Organization is key to integration in an environment where data comes from multiple sources. Properly organized data can be easily merged, allowing Copilot to provide comprehensive insights by analyzing diverse data points.

Strategies for Effective Data Organization

To leverage the full potential of Microsoft Copilot, here are some strategies for effective data organization:

1. Standardize Data Entry: Implement consistent formats and conventions for data entry to maintain uniformity across datasets.

2. Implement Data Cleaning: Regularly clean your data to remove duplicates, correct errors, and update outdated information.

3. Utilize Metadata: Use metadata to provide context to your data, making it easier for Copilot to understand and process it accurately.

4. Adopt Data Categorization: Categorize data logically, grouping similar types of data together, to enhance accessibility and analysis.

5. Ensure Data Security: Protect sensitive data through encryption and access controls to prevent unauthorized access.

6. Continuous Evaluation: Regularly assess your data organization practices and adjust as needed to accommodate new data types or business requirements.

The organization of data is not just a prerequisite but a catalyst for maximizing the accuracy and effectiveness of AI tools like Microsoft Copilot. By investing time and resources into proper data organization, businesses and individuals can significantly enhance the reliability of the insights generated, leading to more informed decisions and improved productivity. Remember, the journey towards leveraging AI effectively starts with the foundational step of organizing your data efficiently. Learn more about Thrive’s Microsoft 365 Solutions here.

Audax Private Equity and Aspen Surgical Select Thrive for Carve-Out and Ongoing Technology Platform Support Download Now
Audax Private Equity, a leading investment firm, recently acquired Aspen Surgical, a surgical products business previously under Hillrom’s umbrella. This case study highlights how Thrive, a trusted technology partner, facilitated a seamless transition for Aspen Surgical’s IT infrastructure, enabling a successful carve-out and setting the stage for future growth and innovation.
Separation Struggles

Aspen Surgical tackled the challenge of untangling its IT infrastructure from its former parent company, Hillrom, which involved adding new servers, migrating data, and enhancing security. Audax and Aspen Surgical sought a partner to establish their new IT infrastructure and ensure timely completion before the transitional services agreement expired.

Thrive Chosen for Expertise in Mid-Market, PE-backed Ventures

Audax chose Thrive for its innovative approach and proven expertise in mid-market, PE-backed ventures, streamlining critical projects like mergers and acquisitions. “Thrive’s portfolio-wide reporting back to the fund is unique in the marketplace and ensures secure and scalable platforms. Additionally, its proactive cybersecurity approach mitigates post-acquisition risks and lays the groundwork for seamless add-on investments,” said Kevin Ellis, Vice President of Sales at Thrive. Audax also valued Thrive’s dedicated PE-focused teams and tailored support for fast-growth businesses.

Precision in Action: Planning and Execution

Collaborating closely with Aspen Surgical’s internal IT team, Thrive meticulously planned server and data migration, deployed new Office 365 tenants, and implemented robust security measures with an innovative ticketing system for quick response time, resolution and communication. This strategic approach ensured minimal downtime and disruption to operations, laying a secure foundation for future endeavors.

Seamless Deployment

Thrive prioritized security and scalability by implementing advanced endpoint security measures and robust backup and disaster recovery services. These efforts aimed to mitigate cybersecurity threats and minimize downtime risks. Solutions deployed include ThriveCloud, ServiceNow technology, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), 24x7x365 Security Operations Center, NextGen Endpoint Security (EDR), Vulnerability Scanning, End User Security Training, Phishing Simulation.

Our PE-experienced team possesses the technical and strategic skills to navigate rapid growth scenarios, providing unparalleled support focused on value creation, protection, and PE-specific engineering and account management. Throughout the carve-out process, Thrive ensured project completion within the confines of the transitional services agreement, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and comprehensive project management.

Realizing the Vision: Achieving Success with Thrive

With Thrive’s aid, Aspen Surgical smoothly transitioned to its new IT infrastructure, bolstered by NextGen services for scalability and resilience, while proactive cybersecurity measures ensured value protection post-acquisition. Leveraging Thrive’s services, including ThriveCloud, Aspen Surgical guarantees scalable solutions for future growth, with ongoing support ensuring a robust IT setup. With Thrive’s help, Audax and Aspen completed the carve-out on time and budget, facilitating rapid expansion and investments for Aspen Surgical’s future prosperity.

Revolutionizing Private Equity Transactions

Thrive’s unparalleled expertise in supporting PE transactions transcends individual carve-outs. By providing portfolio-wide reporting and innovative solutions tailored to PE firms’ unique needs, Thrive is poised to revolutionize how investment firms manage and optimize their technology investments, driving value and enabling strategic growth initiatives.

Thrive’s Value Creation and Protection Designed for PE

Acquisitions draw attention, making companies vulnerable to impersonation and phishing. Smaller to mid-market PE firms with technical debt are especially at risk due to outdated security. Immediate security analysis post-acquisition is crucial to mitigate threats promptly. Neglecting this can lead to significant financial losses, emphasizing the need for proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard against attacks targeting newly acquired businesses.

Agile and Adaptive for PE Transactions

Thrive consistently conducts thorough IT operations reviews and security evaluations. In many cases involving PE firms, transactions come with technical debt and scalability challenges. Nonetheless, Thrive’s agility allows for swift adjustments to the current operational landscape, ensuring seamless support and adaptability to evolving needs.

“Our team was faced with a significant migration project and we sought out an experienced partner to help us make the process seamless and be available as an extension of our internal team for support when needed. Thrive ended up being the partner we were looking for – and more. ~ Christopher Dukes, VP of Information Technology, Aspen Surgical


How can Thrive help your business?

Thrive is a leading provider of outsourced IT Infrastructure designed to drive business outcomes by helping you get the most out of your IT.

To learn more about our services, CONTACT US

Thrive Launches Security Response & Remediation Services to Safeguard Businesses Against Cybersecurity Incidents

New offering empowers organizations to better contain and remove cyber threats, minimizing business disruption and associated costs

Boston, MA, March 12, 2024 – Thrive, a global technology outsourcing provider for cybersecurity, Cloud, and traditional managed service provider (MSP) services, today announced the launch of Thrive Incident Response & Remediation, an on-demand cybersecurity response service to contain and remove threats, along with engineering assistance to rebuild and restore critical systems.

Phishing, ransomware and other cyberattacks put businesses of every size at huge risk of losing millions of dollars trying to remedy the situation.  In fact, according to IBM, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million – a 15% increase over three years. This kind of cost is unfathomable for many businesses – especially small to mid-sized enterprises, who simply cannot afford to pay out such a vast sum.

To help customers mitigate risk and avoid the rising costs of security threats, Thrive has introduced its latest cybersecurity offering: Thrive Incident Response & Remediation. With this solution, customers are connected to a dedicated Incident Responder from the Thrive Security Operations Center (SOC) in the event of a security incident to access the incident’s scope and provide immediate response actions to restore services. Thrive Incident Response & Remediation proactively gets ahead of cybersecurity threats by collaborating on pre-incident planning and running an automated compromise assessment that will hunt for threats already in the environment. Should an incident occur, customers using the service will see faster recovery time after a cybersecurity incident, keeping business disruption and the costs associated to a minimum.

Thrive’s Incident Response & Remediation services include:

  • Pre-Incident Planning: Thrive security experts engage with subscribed clients to ensure that they have an approved incident response plan, an asset inventory prioritized based on business impact and a backup strategy for critical systems
  • Incident Response Tools: Upon working together, an incident response agent is installed on systems prior to an incident. These advanced tools ensure potential threats are contained faster and provide high-value forensic artifacts.
  • Compromise Assessment: Thrive conducts an automated compromise assessment during onboarding to identify current threats that may impact systems
  • Prioritized Incident Management: Users can report an incident with a 15-minute response time guaranteed by the Thrive SOC to begin threat assessment and scoping

“Many business leaders today are facing the daunting task of safeguarding their IT environment amidst an evolving cybersecurity landscape, and need support to ensure they have the tools and experience that will keep their systems and data safe,” said Michael Gray, CTO of Thrive. “At Thrive, we make being the IT and cybersecurity experts our business so our customers can focus on their own. Thrive’s Incident Response & Remediation services is the latest extension of that mission so that no matter the threat, our clients have the resources and peace of mind needed to keep their businesses moving forward.”

Thrive Incident Response & Remediation is the latest of the company’s comprehensive solutions aimed at safeguarding the entire IT environment and securely optimizing business performance. Thrive’s tailored cybersecurity solutions ensure end-to-end protection of customer’s systems and data and enable businesses to stay ahead of potential threats. The more Thrive managed security services a customer consumes, the lower the cost, as Thrive automatically applies a tiered discount towards monthly retainer remediation services.

To learn more about Thrive and its offerings, visit the website.


About Thrive

Thrive delivers global technology outsourcing for cybersecurity, Cloud, networking, and other complex IT requirements. Thrive’s NextGen platform enables customers to increase business efficiencies through standardization, scalability, and automation, delivering oversized technology returns on investment (ROI). They accomplish this with advisory services, vCISO, vCIO, consulting, project implementation, solution architects, and a best-in-class subscription-based technology platform. Thrive delivers exceptional high-touch service through its POD approach of subject matter experts and global 24x7x365 SOC, NOC, and centralized services teams. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.



Amanda Maguire