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Ransomware Attack Takes Multiple Texas Government Agencies Offline

Ransomware Attack Takes Multiple Texas Government Agencies Offline

It has been confirmed this attack was carried out with ransomware.

Ransomware is a particularly nasty malware that encrypts a victim’s system and data. These are held for ransom, hence the moniker. The cyber attacker typically requests payment in bitcoin, an untraceable currency that’s all the rage with hackers.

If victims don’t comply with the ransom demands, they risk losing their data. For many companies and organizations, such as those in the legal, medical, and financial industries, this loss could equate to their death knell. At the very least, they risk tarnished reputations and considerable financial and productivity loss due to downtime.

The scourge of ransomware

Ransomware was brought into the global IT conversation in 2017, when WannaCry, a ransomware variant, wreaked havoc on computers and networks across the globe. In a flash, network administrators, business owners, and the public learned about – and experienced – the devastating potential of ransomware unleashed.

Now, more and more businesses are adopting a more aggressive stance against cyberthreats. But, attacks are increasing. The malware and ransomware variants are getting more complex, able to break through stout defenses. And social engineering allows attackers to “smooth talk” their way into systems.

Layered security is the best policy

“No one piece of hardware or software can protect you from ransomware,” cautioned Brian Walker. “There is no silver bullet, unfortunately.”

“A layered approach to cybersecurity is the best policy,” said Aaron Allen, Director of Technical Services. “Each additional layer you implement makes it that much harder for hackers to get through.

“Additionally, user awareness is a definite must. Your employees should be informed on the latest threats. They need to be aware of the devious tactics employed by attackers. One wrong click in a malicious email and you can very well be infected.”

“Worried about ransomware? Looking to improve your network security? Contact us to schedule your free security consultation.”