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What’s Missing in Your Microsoft O365 Security and Data Protection?

You’ve embraced remote working – are you still secure?
The trend towards remote working has been growing for several decades, but recently due to world events, many businesses have had to adopt supporting technologies and processes quickly and under pressure. The remote working trend has also dovetailed with the move to the cloud and software-as-a-service applications like Office 365. Cloud services are a great help in implementing remote working and in helping teams to collaborate even when not working in the same location. Cloud-enabled services and applications are often misunderstood, however, when it comes to security measures. Along with their SaaS services, businesses also need to consider using cloud-based security and disaster recovery services in parallel from a trusted DRaaS provider.
SaaS and Cloud providers like Microsoft, Salesforce, Google and others promise to secure the infrastructure that hosts the cloud application. But these SaaS providers are not responsible for covering all of the possible data and security issues that can arise, so customer support for backup, replication, and recovery services needs to be considered.
While the cloud provider takes care of the infrastructure, data and access remain the customer’s responsibility. The access risks compound as workers increasingly work remotely and communicate through email, which is the number one vector for malware.
Secure access to the cloud for remote workers today is usually ensured by either using an SDP or split-tunnel VPN. In either case, the security of remote access relies on user authentication. It is important not to make the mistake of relying on the employees to set up and manage their passwords. Individuals are notorious for setting easy-to-remember but also easy-to-guess passwords. Set up strict corporate password policies and enforce them. Also enforce regular intervals for employees to update their passwords.
Even with these stricter password policies in place, businesses would also be wise to employ multi-factor authentication (MFA). There are a number of ways for bad actors to manipulate or trick your employees into unintentionally revealing their passwords making it a good idea to have a second authentication method as a further roadblock. Traditionally, MFA was done using tokens, but it has become much simpler today to use the employee’s smartphone to send a code that they then enter into the SaaS login credential screen. There are a number of good choices for MFA available such as Google Authenticator, or options recommended by Microsoft. Need help determining which MFA solution is the best fit for you? Ask our Microsoft 365 experts today!
Even MFA access through SDP or a VPN will not always guarantee security for your most precious data; internal employees can also act maliciously. Therefore, it is a good idea to design your internal data access policies to ensure that each end user only has access to the applications and data that they need to do their jobs.
Segmenting your data collections is another good policy to adopt for additional Cybersecurity and data protection. Having all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea. Using various software-defined networking techniques such as SDPs or SD-WAN, you can literally define the connection between the user’s device and a specific server. They can be completely restricted to this network slice. Finally, think carefully about which workers get remote access; not everyone needs it all the time.
One main vector for security breaches is via email “spear phishing” attacks, which attempt to induce people to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers by posing as reputable companies.
Phishing is a common technique for extracting passwords from employees with some IT professionals reporting 1000+ phishing attempts hitting their email inboxes a month. Other malicious email campaigns include sending attachments with embedded trojan code, or links pointing to compromised websites that auto-download malware onto users’ systems.
All employees are at risk of making a split-second poor decision and exposing their computer to these attacks. Threat actors are adept at choosing topics that people are eager to learn more about, often playing off trending fears and anxieties to lessen people’s natural caution and common sense. As a sign of the times, many organizations are reporting increased email phishing and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many messages claiming to offer breaking news or free tests. Once the pandemic has finally abated, threat actors will move on to the next anxiety-provoking topic.
While Microsoft and other email SaaS providers often try to help filter unwanted senders’ messages by verifying the IP address to guard against phishing, oftentimes their off-the-shelf attempts lack comprehensive protections and may lag behind in updating against the latest threats. IT professionals should look to enhance their email security by looking for Managed Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus solutions that offer services for scanning both inbound and outbound emails to eliminate spam and known attacks and Managed IT Services for analytical reporting, Cybersecurity, and on-demand expertise from a trusted DRaaS provider.
While it is critical to stay on top of the latest security threats and trends, it is also the case that malicious actors are constantly innovating new attack strategies. Barely a week goes by that some new kind of threat is launched and discovered. From denial of service to trojan horses and ransomware, you can never rule out the possibility that your business will be the next headline victim and cautionary tale.
How does a DRaaS Provider enhance Microsoft 365 data protection and cybersecurity?
That is one of the most important, but not the only, reasons to have a comprehensive backup and rapid disaster recovery service. Another reason is that employees unintentionally delete data all the time. They are the most common source of data loss. Even IT professionals can make configuration mistakes that can open data to being hacked or even lost. So, a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery option is essential for restoring your data.
This is where cloud services expand their usefulness from a means to collaborate efficiently, to storing and protecting your critical and everyday business data. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) has become increasingly important in an era of escalating natural disasters, cyber-attacks targeting critical public institutions and businesses, and sophisticated social engineering campaigns bombarding your business day and night.
The good news is, as the importance of DRaaS has risen, the affordability has too. Many savvy organizations are leveraging the flexibility and rapid responsiveness inherent in cloud-enabled backup and recovery. After all, one of the many reasons that you adopted a cloud model was to get away from the capital costs and ongoing operating expenses associated with running and maintaining your own internal data infrastructure. Now that there are a range of cost-effective disaster recovery services available, businesses are finding that DRaaS makes good common sense.
In addition to helping you to recover from a disaster, an experienced DRaaS provider can also proactively help you to prevent data disasters from occurring in the first place and enable your business to work securely no matter where your end users are located. As a third party specializing in helping businesses recover from various disasters, they are best placed to anticipate what your business might face in the future. They can help you to design your security approach, as well as prioritize your data resources, segmenting them and working with you to create a plan for ensuring that the most critical data is restored as quickly as possible to keep you up and running.
The possibility of remote working and cloud-based services have been a godsend for many businesses, allowing them to remain operational in these difficult times. It is unlikely that the workplace will return to what it was and remote work is probably the new normal or highly significant for many businesses going forward. Your DRaaS provider can make sure that you do it securely and ensure that you can also recover gracefully if anything goes wrong.
Thrive to the Rescue
Your Backup and Disaster Recovery Heroes
Thrive is a trusted global DRaaS provider of comprehensive Cloud, Data Protection, and Cybersecurity services and can help to guide as you work through your SMB or enterprise DR planning process.
Since 2001, Thrive has provided these robust and secure Managed Cloud and Disaster Recovery solutions from a scalable multi-tenant infrastructure, supported by our first-class in-house technical team. Thrive delivers highly flexible and responsive solutions with outstanding value and service, using state-of-the-art technology to offer ultimate protection and peace of mind. Thrive is an accredited Microsoft Office Level 1 backup and DRaaS provider.
We are driven to be your trusted partner and to ensure that we deliver a Thrive Experience that meets your business requirements with the reliability, scalability, and support that your business demands.
Contact us today to discover your options around partnering with us to provide your customers with data loss prevention solutions and rapid ransomware recovery with services such as Cloud to Cloud Backup for Microsoft 365, email archiving, and Thrive DR services. Regardless of internal user error, ransomware attacks, or when a health disaster strikes, ensure your business continuity by meeting your operational demands while protecting and recovering your most valuable asset – your data.